Dr. Anirban Chowdhury Associate Professor Ph.D. - University of Leeds, UK [Sep. 2005 - Sep. 2009] Ph: +91-612-3028183 anirc[*AT]iitp.ac.in Personal Webpage: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/F-1648-2011
Research Areas |
Materials Chemistry - chemical synthesis - structural and spectroscopic characterisations - thin films & coatings - nanomaterials- sol gel - ceramics |
Other Interests |
Indian Classical music, movies |
Courses taught at IITP |
M.Tech Core Course:
- MS501 (Nanostructured Materials)
- MS502 (Materials Processing Technology)
- MS503 (Advanced Materials Characterisation Techniques)
- MS504 (Structural and Functional Properties of Materials)
M.Tech Elective Course
- MS508 (Advanced Ceramics and Glass)
- MS515: (Advanced Building Materials)
Ph.D Students |
 Kundan Kumar
 Aditya Arun
 Lakshaman Kumar
 Arun Kumar (DST INSPIRE Fellow)
Ph.D. Students: (Completed) |
 Kushal Singh
Professional Experience |
- Researcher: Research & Development and Scientific Services Division (R&D and SS), Tata Steel, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India [Apr. 2012 – Aug. 2013]
- Research Associate: Department of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India [May 2011 – Mar. 2012]
- Postdoctoral Fellow: Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan [Oct. 2009 – Mar. 2011]
Awards & Honours |
- “Young Researcher Award” for best oral presentation in 5th International Symposium on Application of Supercritical Fluids (ISASF) in Green Chemistry and Material Sciences, Taiwan (March, 2010).
- ORSAS [Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme] scholarship along with the Tetley & Lupton Awards during PhD
- All India Rank -15th in GATE-2003 (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) examination in Engineering Sciences (XE) category
- Graduated in Ceramic Technology (Ranked 1st out of 30 students) with an overall percentage of 80.08 (First class Honors).
- Andrew Carnegie Research Fund as conference travel grant from the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), UK
- Conference travel grant from the Armourers & Brasiers' Company, UK.
Books |
Invited Book Chapter:
- Invited to submit an article by Nova Science Publishers, Inc (Hauppauge, NY) for their forthcoming book: "Ferroelectrics: New Research". submitted article: "Recent Developments in the area of Sodium Potassium Niobate (NKN) Thin Films by Chemical Solution Deposition Methods"
Current Sponsored projects |
Title |
Fund Value (Lacs) |
Funding Agency /Organisation |
Role (Principal/Co-investigator etc) |
Status |
Duration |
Fire Retardant Materials: Investigation on Mechanistic & Thermo-physical props. & synthesis process |
Rs. 31.93 (46320 USD) |
PI |
On-going |
3 years from July., 2019 |
Development and optimization of cost effective and scalable near net shape plasma sprayed membrane with graded porosity for microfiltration application |
Rs. 68 (96100 USD) |
Co-PI |
On-going |
3 years from Dec., 2018 |
Synthesis & characterisation of faceted nanocrystalline powders of Ceria-Zirconia and related systems** |
Rs. 26.75 (38100 USD) |
PI (Co-PI: Nil) |
Completed |
3 years from July, 2015 |
**Based on performance, the DST-SERB project was selected (out of a total of 53 Nationwide projects in the category of Engineering Science) for the compendium of Research Highlights in YSS (Start-up grant for Young Scientists) Engineering Sciences programme and was released on first conclave of National Postdoctoral Fellowship awardees on 25th July 2018 by Secretary, DST and Secretary, SERB.
Research Profile |
Scholar || ORCID || SCOPUS || ResearchGate || Publons |
Publications |
Peer-Reviewed articles in journals [ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2360-4766, Scopus Author ID: 24504339200] Selected Publications:
- Aditya Arun, Anirban Chowdhury, Reaping the remarkable benefits of a ‘burst nucleation’ approach for a ceria doped zirconia system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 802, 318-325, 2019.
- Srivastava S, Kumar K, Singh K, Ojha P K, Chowdhury A, Functional properties of LaxCe1−xO2−δ nanocrystals and their bulk ceramics. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019; 30(3): 2096–2106.
- Kumar K, Priya A, Aditya A, Hait S, Chowdhury A, Antibacterial and natural room-light driven photocatalytic activities of CuO nanorods. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2019; 226: 106-112.
- Kumar K, Dutta H, Pradhan S K, Chowdhury A. Stabilization of ZrO2 matrix: Revisiting the ‘archaic’ issue with a peculiar example, Scripta Materialia. 162: 408-411, 2019.
- Singh K, Kumar K, Ojha P K, Chowdhury A. Structure-property correlations for the surfactant-free faceted nanocrystals of Ce1−xZrxO2 and their bulk ceramics, Materials Research Bulletin. 2019; 112, 38-45.
- Islam A, Kumar K, Pandey K K, Mukherjee B, Rahman OSA, Chowdhury A, Keshri AK. Exceptionally high fracture toughness of carbon nanotube reinforced plasma sprayed lanthanum zirconate coatings, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2019; 777: 1133-1144.
- Kumar K, Chowdhury A, Use of Novel Nanostructured Photocatalysts for the Environmental Sustainability of Wastewater Treatments, in Book: Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier, 2018 (Invited Book Chapter),DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.11149-X.
- Singh K, Kumar R, Chowdhury A. Lanthanum doped Ceria Nanoparticles: a Promising Material for Energy Applications, Materials Today: Proceedings. 2018; 5(11): 22993-22997.
- Kumar K, Srivastava S, Chowdhury A. La3+-doped CeO2 system: Negating the myths with a tailor-made ceramic, Scripta Materialia. 2018; 157, 138-141.
- Chowdhury A. Constitutive modelling and Weibull statistical analysis for the porosity-Mechanical property correlations in 3% yittria-stabilized zirconia system, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 2018; 70(1): 246–252.
- Singh K, Kumar K, Nayak S, Joshi DC, Alom MM, Thota S, Chowdhury A. Structural and Dielectric Properties of the Fluorite-Type LaxCe1− xO2-δ Ceramics, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2017; 50: 495601.
- Paul B, Kumar K, Chowdhury A, Roy A. Appearance of Fröhlich-like phonon mode and defect dynamics in La3+-doped ceria, Journal of Applied Physics. 2017; 122(13): 135108.
- Singh K, Kumar K, Srivastava S, Chowdhury Anirban. Effect of rare-earth doping in CeO2 matrix: Correlations with structure, catalytic and visible light photocatalytic properties, Ceramics International. 2017; 43: 17041-17047.
- Kumar Kundan, Chowdhury Anirban. Facile Synthesis of CuO Nanorods Obtained Without Any Template and/or Surfactant, Ceramics International. 2017; 43: 13943–13947.
- Kumar K, Jaroń T, Chowdhury A. On the peculiarities of phase developments involving Zn2+-doped ZrO2 system, Scripta Materialia. 2017; 138: 71-74.
- Kumar R, Kumar K, Chowdhury A. Discrepancies in the hardness data and the role of grinding-induced surface effects for a porous zirconate ceramic, Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2017; 100(4): 1717-1723.
- Singh K, Kumar R, Chowdhury A. Synergistic effects of ultrasonication and ethanol washing in controlling the stoichiometry, phase-purity and morphology of rare-earth doped ceria nanoparticles, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2017; 36: 182-190.
- Paul B, Singh K, Jaroń T, Roy A, Chowdhury A. Structural properties and the fluorite–pyrochlore phase transition in La2Zr2O7: The role of oxygen to induce local disordered states, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016; 686(130-136).
- Kumar R, Singh K, Chakravarty D, Chowdhury A. Attaining near-theoretical densification in nanograined pyrochlore La2Zr2O7 (LZ) ceramic at 1150° C by spark plasma sintering, Scripta Materialia. 2016; 117: p.37-40.
- Singh K, Kumar R, Chowdhury A. Synthesis of La-doped ceria nanoparticles: impact of lanthanum depletion, Journal of Materials Science. 2016; 51(4134–4141.
- Prusty D, Pathak A, Mukherjee M, Mukherjee B, Chowdhury A. TEM and XPS Studies on the Faceted Nanocrystals of Ce0.8Zr0.2O2, Materials Characterization. 2015; 100: p.31-35.
- Chowdhury A, Iyyappan R, Majumdar D, Singha A. Structural and spectroscopic characterisations of the surface oxide scales and inclusions present on edge-burst hot-rolled steel coils, Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2014; 148 (1-2): p.276-283.
- Prusty D, Pathak A, Chintha A, Mukherjee B, Chowdhury A. Structural Investigations on the Compositional Anomalies in Lanthanum Zirconate System Synthesized by Coprecipitation Method, Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2014; 97(3): p. 718-724.
- Chowdhury A, Bijalwan PK, Sahu RK. Investigations on the Role of Alkali to Obtain Modulated Defect Concentrations for Cu2O Thin Films, Applied Surface Science. 2014; 289(1): p. 430-436.
Number of Peer-Reviewed articles (journal publications) before 2014 = 18
Patents filed |
- “A process for obtaining shape and size controlled ceramic nanopowders”(patent numbered 201831006045 dated 16th February, 2018, Co-inventor: Kundan Kumar, Kushal Singh)
- “A phase and stoichiometrically pure ceramic fowder and a process for the preparation thereof” (Patent Application No. 201731019619 of 5th July, 2017)
- “A method of preparation of monoclinic phase free doped zirconia powders with low temperature sinterability” (patent numbered 201931036371 dated 10th September, 2019, Co-inventor: Aditya Arun, Lakshaman Kumar)
Workshops organized |
- CEP Course on “Failure Analysis of Engineering Products”, May 10 - 11, 2019 at IIT Patna (joint co-ordinator: Mr. Sabyasachi Roy, Director, ANTS Ceramics Pvt. Ltd.)
Presentations |
Conference participations from the Group
Invited Presentations & Invited Chair at International Conferences:
- Invited talk: “Synthesis and Serendipity: How far can they collaborate?” by Anirban Chowdhury in First Indian Materials Conclave (IndMaC) by MRSI (Materials Research Society of India) at IISc Bangalore February 12-15, 2019. (Also acted as invited Co-chairman for the conference theme: “Nanomaterials Synthesis & Solutions Route”).
- Invited talk by Anirban Chowdhury: “High-temperature materials for defense & marine applications" at the Workshop on Nanostructured & Smart Materials/ Coatings (WNMC2017) in the International Conference and Technology Meet on Military and Marine Applications (IWCEM 2017) on 03 - 05 June 2017, Hotel Crowne Plaza, Jaipur
- Invited talk by Anirban Chowdhury: “Improving Metal-Rubber Adhesion via Multifunctional Oxide Coating” at 8th International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials (CIPET APM 2017), February 12-13, 2017 at IISc Bangalore.
- Invited talk by Anirban Chowdhury: “Compositional Anomalies in Oxide Nanoparticles: Impact on the Target Functional Properties” at Fourth International Conference on Nanostructured Materials and Nanocomposites (ICNM 2017) 10-12 February 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.
- Invitation to Dr. A. Chowdhury for a lecture for TEQIP Short Term Course on, “Strengthening of Institute-Industry Interaction” at NIT Patna, 30th Jan. – 4th Feb., 2017
- Invitation to Dr. A. Chowdhury to serve as a Co-chairman for the theme: “Nanomaterials Devices & Applications” in International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICYRAM 2016), Dec. 11-15, 2016
Contributed Presentations in Conferences
- Poster: Kundan Kumar and Anirban Chowdhury, Remarkable Ionic Conductivity in a Textured La2Ce2O7 Ceramic made by a Conventional Sintering, 1st Indian Materials Conclave and 30th Annual General Meeting of MRSI, IISc Bangalore (2019) [Best Poster awarded to Kundan Kumar]
- Poster: Kundan Kumar and Anirban Chowdhury, Remarkable ionic conductivity in a textured La2Ce2O7 ceramic), 7th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry (ISMC), BARC Mumbai, India (2018) [Best Poster awarded to Kundan Kumar]
- Poster: Kundan Kumar and Anirban Chowdhury, Peculiarities in phase development in the ZnO-stabilized ZrO2 system, 14th International Ceramics Congress, Perugia, Italy (2018)
- Oral: Singh, K.; Kumar, R.; Chowdhury A., Faceted Nanocrystals of Ce1−xZrxO2 (x = 0.8, 0.6, 0.5) for Catalytic Applications, International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovation & Initiatives (ICN3I-2017); Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 2017.
- Oral: Singh, K.; Kumar, K.; Chowdhury A., Structural and Enhanced Catalytic Reduction Properties for LaxCe1−xO2–δ (x = 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5) Nanoparticles along with the Additional Benefit of Photocatalytic activity, Communicated for the “9th International Conference On Materials for Advanced Technologies, ICMAT 2017;18 - Suntec Singapore, 23 June 2017
- Oral: Kumar, K; Chowdhury A., Facile Surfactant-free Synthesis of CuO Nanorods and its Applications in Waste Water Treatment, International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovation & Initiatives (ICN3I-2017); Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 2017
- Poster: Kumar, K; Chowdhury A., Phase Anomalies in the ZnO-stabilized ZrO2 System, National Metallurgical Day-Annual Technical Meeting (NMD-ATM); Birla Institute of Technology & Science Goa, 2017.
- Poster: Srivastava, S; Chowdhury A., Structure- property correlations for LaXCe1-XO2-δ (X= 0.05, 0.15) system, National Metallurgical Day-Annual Technical Meeting (NMD-ATM); Birla Institute of Technology & Science Goa, 2017.
- Oral: Singh, K.; Kumar, K.; Chowdhury A., Catalytic Properties of Phase-pure La-doped CeO2 Nanoparticles, (NMD ATM); Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, 2016
- Oral: “Compositional Anomalies in Oxide Nanoparticles: Impact on the Target Functional Properties” by Anirban Chowdhury, Kushal Singh, Rishu Kumar, Kundan Kumar, IUMRS-ICYRAM 2016 (International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials) at IISc, Bangalore, Dec 11-15, 2016.
- Oral: “Attaining Near-theoretical Densification in La2Zr2O7 (LZ) Ceramic at 1150 ºC and Investigations on its Fluorite – Pyrochlore Transition” by Anirban Chowdhury, Kushal Singh, Rishu Kumar, Barnita Paul, Tomasz Jaroń, Anushree Roy, 6th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC-6) at Dresden, Germany, Aug. 21-25, 2016
- Poster: Kumar, K; Chowdhury A., ZnO-stabilized Cubic ZrO2 at Room Temperature and the Additional Benefit of Photocatalytic Property, International Conference on Functional Material (ICFM-2016); Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, 2016. [Best Poster awarded to Kundan Kumar]
- Poster: Singh, K.; Kumar, R.; Chowdhury A., Lanthanum-doped Ceria Nanoparticles: a Promising Material for Energy Applications, “International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER-2015)” at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2015
- Poster: Kumar, R.; Singh, K; Chowdhury A., “Densification of Phase Pure La2Zr2O7 Nano-Powders by Spark Plasma Sintering”, International Conference on Multifunctional Materials for Future Application (ICMFA-2015); Indian Institute of Technology BHU, 2015
- Oral: Singh, K.; Kumar, R.; Chowdhury A., Structural and Catalytic Properties of Ce0.8La0.2O2-x Nanoparticles, International Conference on Multifunctional Materials for Future Application (ICMFA-2015); Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), 2015
- Poster: Singh, K.; Kumar, R.; Chowdhury A., Lanthanum doped Ceria Nanoparticles: a Promising Material for Energy Applications, Accepted for the “International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER-2015), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Dec., 2015
- Oral: “Studies on the Compositional Anomalies in Lanthanum Zirconate System Prepared by Co-Precipitation”, by Anirban Chowdhury, Debadutta Prusty, Abhishek Pathak, Appa Rao Chintha, Bratindranath Mukherjee, CIMTEC 2014 (13th International Ceramics Congress), Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy, Jun. 8-13, 2014
- Oral: “The Role of Alkali to Obtain Modulated Defect Concentrations for Cu2O Thin Films on Steel”, by Anirban Chowdhury, Pavan Kumar Bijalwan, Ranjan Kumar Sahu, IUMRS-ICA 2013 (International Union of Materials Research Society - International Conference in Asia - 2013), Bangalore, 15 - 20 Dec, 2013.