Computer Center

IIT Patna has a state of the art Computer Center. There are two computer center labs, CC-1 and CC-2. CC-1 is equipped with 172 desktops and CC-2 is equipped with 42 Desktops. These labs operate on all seven days. In addition there are a number of UNIX/Linux/VMware based servers that caters to the institute IT services like Mail, Webserver as well as for academic requirements and research purpose. Availability of the servers and resources is ensured with power back up provided by UPS grid.

Local area network(LAN) with IP telephony cater to the needs of students, faculty and staff in academic as well as residential areas. The complete LAN solution has 3 layers viz. 10 Gigabit Core with redundancy, Dual homed Distribution layer with redundancy and dual homed PoE (Power on Ethernet) enabled Access layer. Network support is available 24x7.

High speed and uninterrupted Internet access is provided across the campus to everyone through multiple ISP (Internet Service Provider) leased lines provided by RailTel (75 Mbps), Reliance and NKN (1 Gbps).