Dr. Sujoy Kumar Samanta |
Asst. Professor |
Ph.D.(IITM), M.Tech., B.Tech.(JU) |
Ph: +91-612-302 8173 |
sksamanta[*AT]iitp.ac.in |
Research Areas |
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Advanced Oxidation Processes, Wastewater Treatment, Photocatalysis, Microwave-Assisted Material Processing, Process Modeling and Simulation, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Renewable Energy, Biomass Gasification.
Research Group |
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- Mr. Priyanshu Verma (Thesis Submitted)
- Ms. Sushma Kumari
- Ms. Sandhya Mishra
Courses taught at IITP |
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- CB301 Chemical Reaction Engineering
- CB311 Process Control and Instrumentation
- CB201 Chemical Process Calculations
- CB428 Renewable Energy Sources
- CB504 Renewable and Non-Conventional Energy Sources
Professional Experience |
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- Assistant Professor(Regular); Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, IIT Patna, Bihta, Patna - 801 106, India; December 2013 - Till Date.
- Assistant Professor(Senior Grade); Department of Chemical Engineering, JUET, Guna, M.P. - 473 226, India; July 2011 - December 2013.
- Associate Professor; School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT University, Vellore, T.N. - 632 014, India; April 2010 - July 2011.
- Project Officer; Centre for IC & SR, IIT Madras, Chennai - 600 036, India; July 2009 - February 2010.
Awards & Honours |
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- Excellence in Education Award 2018-Sukrishna Commerce Academy (P) Ltd., Patna.
- Best Teacher Award for 2016-17for UG Program-CBE, IIT Patna.
- Research Fellowship, IIT Madras, 2004-2008.
- Post-Graduate Fellowship (During M.E.) for Qualifying in GATE 2002.
- National Scholarships: Achieved for Academic Excellence in Secondary (10th) and Higher Secondary (12th) Examinations from Government of West Bengal, India.
Journals Reviewed
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- International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
- Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
- Journal of Hazardous Materials
- Drying Technology
- Separation Science and Technology
Member of Professional bodies |
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- Life Member, IIChE: Membership Number - LM48364
- AIChE: Membership Number - 009900878589
- Member, IWA (The International Water Association): Membership ID- 1615718
- International Association of Engineers: Member Number - 153320
Publications |
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- Priyanshu Verma and Sujoy Kumar Samanta, “A direct method to determine the adsorbed dyes on adsorbent via processing of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy data”, Materials Research Express, 6(1), 015505 (2019).
- Pranay Ranjan, Priyanshu Verma, Shweta Agrawal, T. Rajagopala Rao, Sujoy Kumar Samanta, Ajay D. Thakur, “Inducing Dye-Selectivity in Graphene Oxide for Cationic Dye Separation Applications”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 226, 350–355 (2019).
- Priyanshu Verma and Sujoy Kumar Samanta, “Facile synthesis of TiO2-PC composites for enhanced photocatalytic abatement of multiple pollutant dye mixtures: A comprehensive study on the kinetics, mechanism and effects of environmental factors”, Research on Chemical Intermediates, 44(3), 1963–1988 (2018).
- Priyanshu Verma and Sujoy Kumar Samanta, “Microwave-enhanced advanced oxidation processes for the degradation of dyes in water”, Environmental Chemistry Letters, 16(3), 969–1007 (2018).
- Priyanshu Verma and Sujoy Kumar Samanta, “Continuous ultrasonic stimulation based direct green synthesis of pure anatase-TiO2 nanoparticles with better separability and reusability for photocatalytic water decontamination”, Materials Research Express, 5(6), 065049 (2018).
- Priyanshu Verma and Sujoy Kumar Samanta, “Degradation kinetics of pollutants present in a simulated wastewater matrix using UV/TiO2 photocatalysis and its microbiological toxicity assessment”, Research on Chemical Intermediates, 43(11), 6317–6341 (2017).
- Priyanshu Verma and Sujoy Kumar Samanta, “Comparative assessment of antibiotic potency loss with time and its impact on antibiotic resistance”, Comparative Clinical Pathology, 25(6), 1163–1169 (2016).
- Sujoy Kumar Samanta and Priyanshu Verma, “Advanced Hydrogen Production through Methane Cracking: A Review”, Science & Technology, 1(3); 109-123 (2015).
- Sujoy Kumar Samanta and Tanmay Basak, “Efficient processing of oil-water emulsions con-fined within 2D cylinders with various microwave irradiations: Role of metallic annulus”, Food Research International, 43(1), 148-166 (2010).
- Sujoy Kumar Samanta and Tanmay Basak, “Efficient microwave processing of oil-water emulsion cylinders with lateral and radial irradiations”, Food Research International, 42(9), 1337-1350 (2009).
- Sujoy Kumar Samanta and Tanmay Basak, “Enhanced microwave processing of oil-water emulsions confined within ceramic and ceramic/metallic or composite plates”, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 48(2), 706-721 (2009).
- Tanmay Basak, Sujoy Kumar Samanta, Avinash Jindamwar, “A novel concept on discrete samples for efficient microwave processing of materials”, Chemical Engineering Science, 63(12), 3292-3308 (2008).
- Sujoy Kumar Samanta, Tanmay Basak, Bhaskar Sengupta, “Theoretical analysis on microwave heating of oil-water emulsions supported on ceramic, metallic or composite plates”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51(25-26), 6136-6156 (2008).
- Sujoy Kumar Samanta and Tanmay Basak, “Theoretical analysis of efficient microwave processing of oil-water emulsions attached with various ceramic plates”, Food Research International, 41(4), 386-403 (2008).
Scientific Case Study:
Conferences |
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- Priyanshu Verma and Sujoy Kumar Samanta, “Comparative Study on Different UV-based Homogeneous Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment”, In Industrial Water-2018, DECHEMA-Haus, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (27–29 November 2018).
- Priyanshu Verma and Sujoy Kumar Samanta, “Insights on the Limitations of Heterogeneous Photocatalysis and Possible Solutions”, CHEMCON-2017 (Indian Chemical Engineering Congress), Haldia Regional Center, IIChE, India (27–30 December 2017).
- Priyanshu Verma and Sujoy Kumar Samanta, “Photocatalytic Degradation Studies of Simulated Wastewater Containing Industrial Dye Mixture and Antibiotic”, APCAT-7 (7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Catalysis), Mumbai, India (17–21 January 2017).
- Priyanshu Verma and Sujoy Kumar Samanta, “Kinetic Study of Photocatalytic Degradation of Synthetic Dye Mixture Using AC-TiO2 Nanocomposite”, ACSSI-2K16 (15th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics), IIT Patna, India (27–30 November 2016).
- Sujoy Kumar Samanta, “Microwave Assisted Heating of Human Blood at 2450 MHz Frequency Using Various Composite Supports”, Presented at 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, USA, 8-13 November 2015.
- Sujoy Kumar Samanta, Abhishek Roy, Zeeshan Alam and Priyanshu Verma, “Comparative Study of Microwave Assisted Heating of Human Blood at Frequencies of 915 MHz and 2450 MHz”, International Conference on New Frontiers in Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering (INCEEE-2015), National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Telangana State, India , 20-21 March, 2015. ISBN 978-81-928314-1-1; Pages 363-364.
- Sujoy Kumar Samanta and Priyanshu Verma “Microwave assisted heating of human blood at 2450 MHz frequency using various composite supports”, at the IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signal Communication and Optimization (EESCO-2015), Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, 24th – 25th January 2015.
- Sujoy Kumar Samanta, Priyanshu Verma, Subhadeep Bhaduri and Subhro Kamal Mandal, ''Advanced Hydrogen Production and Use of Solar Energy for Its Production Through Methane Cracking: A Review'', International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Engineering Trends, Communication, Optimization and Sciences (EEECOS 2014), Dhanekula Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India, 11 - 12 October 2014.
- S. K. Samanta, K. Sushmita, S. Verma and Z. Abbas, “Influence of Teflon, Ceramic and Composite Supports on Efficient Microwave Heating of Oil-Water Emulsions”, Environmental Sustainability and Society: The Growing Paradigm Shift (ESS-2013), JUET, Guna, M.P. (March, 2013).
- Tanmay Basak and S. K. Samanta, “Influence of ceramic supports on microwave heating of oil-water emulsions”, Chemcon, New Delhi (December 2005).
Invited Talks |
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- Sujoy Kumar Samanta, delivered a talk on "Chemical Pollutant: Effect on Environment and Health" at Patna Women's College, Patna University during Dec 2016.
- Sujoy Kumar Samanta, delivered a talk on "Microwave Assisted Material Processing", at the IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signal Communication and Optimization (EESCO-2015), Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, 25th January 2015.
- Sujoy Kumar Samanta, delivered a talk on "Energy Crisis: Challenges and Awareness’’ , at the International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Engineering Trends, Communication, Optimization and Sciences (EEECOS-2014), Dhanekula Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India, 11 - 12 October 2014.
Books |
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- Sujoy Kumar Samanta and Tanmay Basak, “Microwave Heating of Oil-Water Emulsions”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-8473-1863-7; 2011.
Book Chapter
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- Priyanshu Verma and Sujoy Kumar Samanta, “Overview of Biogas Reforming Technologies for Hydrogen Production: Advantages and Challenges” (Chapter 17), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Recent Advances in Bioenergy Research, Springer Proceedings in Energy: Springer India, 2016, pp 227−243.
Workshops/ Conferences/ Short Term Courses/ Training Programs Organized |
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- Organized Workshop as a Co-Convenor on “Fluid Mechanics: Modeling, Analysis and Computation” at IIT Patna during 14th -17th July 2016.
- Project DISHA (CEP) (Client: IOCL, Value: 6.48 Lakhs; PI: Dr. S. K. Samanta; Co-PIs: Nil; Duration: Nov 2016 and March 2017.
- Conducted Harmony Workshop during 20-22 June 2016 at IIT Patna.
- Environmental Sustainability and Society: The Growing Paradigm Shift (ESS-2013): Organized by JUET, Guna (M.P.): Worked as Local Organizing Committee Member (Convener for Registration, Finance and Purchase), during March 2013.
Notable Administrative Duties/ Professional Activities |
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- Worked as Founder Head/Coordinator of the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, IIT Patna During 2014- 2017 (Approx 2.5 years).
- Developed Course Curriculum and Took Important Initiative for SENATE and BOG Approval to Start B.Tech. Program in Chemical Engineering at IIT Patna (Status: Program Started in July 2016).
- Presented the Vision and Mission of the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, IIT Patna in BoG Meeting held on August 4, 2016.
- Worked as Professor-in-Charge of Institute Wellness Center, IIT Patna, 2017-18.
- Invited by Bihar Public Service Commission as an Expert on Several Occasions to Review Answer of Technical Question Paper, Exam Paper Evaluation and for Recruitment of Lecturer Post etc.
- Attended IITs - Finnish Joint Workshop on Bioenergy 2016 at IIT Delhi as Institute Representative.
- Certified on MISSION10X and High Impact Teaching Skills Organized by VIT Univ., Vellore (T.N.), during June 20-24, 2011.
Notable Other Activities (Co/Extra-Curricular) |
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- Noted Singer, Lyricist and Music Composer: T-Series Have Launched Dr. S. K. Samanta's Debut Audio Album ''Dil Kya Kare'' in February 2019.
- Working as Faculty-in-Charge, Music Club, IIT Patna, 2016-Till Date.
- Part of the Music Team for Gandhi Jayanti Celebration 2016, 2017, 2018 (Saadhana) at IIT Patna.
- Engineers Day Celebration at JUET, Guna (M.P.): Organized Engineers Day Celebration on September 15, 2012.
Notable Achievements of Ph.D Students |
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Priyanshu Verma:
- Selected & Participated in the IC-IMPACTS 2016 Summer Institute on Nanotechnologies for Safe & Sustainable Infrastructure, Integrated Water Management and Public Health, hosted at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada from 29th May to 3rd June, 2016.
- Selected & Participated in the IC-IMPACTS 2017 Summer Institute on Sustainable Communities in Low Resource Settings, held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and in the First Nation community of ?aq’am, located near Cranbrook in the southeastern region of British Columbia, Canada from 3rd June to 8th June, 2017 followed by the IC-IMPACTS 2017 Research Conference and Graduate Student Seminar.
- A project on ‘Economical and ecofriendly regeneration of spent activated carbon filters used in water purifiers’ had been shortlisted for pre-final round in top 90s out of more than a thousand entries under the Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Awards-2018.
Quotable Quotes |
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“When a person commits suicide s/he forgets that there are thousands of beautiful worlds in this small suffocating world” – Dr. S. K. Samanta.
“God has given two separate bags of happiness and sorrow to all. Some people have mastered the art to suppress the second bag into the first one” – Dr. S. K. Samanta.
“God has given one mouth, two eyes and two ears to us. So, we should talk less, see more and listen most” – Dr. S. K. Samanta.
“Failures are the flowers with contrasting colors to success which make a garland called life more beautiful” – Dr. S. K. Samanta.
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