Dr. Priyanka Tripathi
Dr. Priyanka Tripathi |
Asst. Professor (Humanities and Social Sciences) |
Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur) |
Ph: +91-612 -302 8182 |
priyankatripathi[*AT]iitp.ac.in |
Research Areas:Gender Studies, Indian Writing in English, Short Fiction, Censorship StudiesOther Interests :Diaspora StudiesCourses taught at IITP :
- HS 101 Language through Literature
- HS 102 A Course on Communication Skills
- HS514/HS714-Technical Communication
- HS311 Diasporic Literature
- HS711 Representation of Gender in Literature
- HS713 Literary Representation of Postcolonial Nation
No. of PhD Students
![]() Aiman Reyaz "Awarded" |
![]() Sanjib Kr Biswas |
![]() Partha Bhattacharjee "Awarded" |
![]() Vinayak Yashraj |
![]() Ajit Anand |
Awards & Honours
- UGC (SLET) English, December 2002
- Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fellowship for Doctoral Studies, 2010–2011
- National Merit Scholarship, 1995–1999
Member of Professional bodies:
- Indian Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies.
- English Language Teachers Association of India.
- All Indian Women’s Conference.
- Forum for Teachers of English Language and Literature.
- Indian Society for Commonwealth Studies
Winter/Summer School Organized
- Coordinator, Self-Sponsored Workshop, Dissertation Writing for students (April 11, 2011) Women’s College, Jamshedpur.
- Co-coordinator, MHRD/AICTE sponsored Winter School, Imaginative Reading, Creative Writing: Language, Literature and the Teacher (February 1-7, 2010), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
- Programme Secretary, MHRD/AICTE sponsored Summer School, Functional English for Science and Engineering Teachers (July 14-20, 2009), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
Unpublished Manuscript:
- Sexual is Political: Gender, Body and Language in Indian Women’s Short Fiction in English (PhD thesis, IIT Kharagpur) 2011.
- Tripathi, Priyanka. “Recasting feministic discourses in postcolonial South Asia: an interventionist reading.” Postcolonial Studies (Taylor & Francis). 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13688790.2019.1595342
- Tripathi, Priyanka. “Recalling Kedarnath Singh and his Secular Voice of Poetry”. The Wire. 16 March 2019.
- Tripathi, Priyanka, and Bhattacharjee Partha. “Negotiating the Social Struggle: Deconstructing the Dalit Subalternity in Omprakash Valmiki's Joothan: A Dalit's Life”. IUP Journal of English Studies. vol. 14, no.1, 2019
- Reyaz, Aiman, and Priyanka Tripathi. “To Animalise is Humane, to Humanise is Animal: Exploring Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” through the Lens of Realism and Anti-Realism. Ars Artium, vol. 7, no.1, 2019. pp. 85-93
- Bhattacharjee, Partha and Priyanka Tripathi. “Disease’ and Visual Rhetorics of Disability: Comics and Autopathography in the Works of Alison Bechdel.” GNOSIS (An International Journal of English Language & Literature), vol. 5, no. 1, 2019. pp. 263-274
- Tripathi, Priyanka. “Voicing through the Veil: Exploring ‘the marginal space’ in the Writings of Rashid Jahan.” Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics. vol. 41, no. 2, 2018, pp.76-81.
- Tripathi, Priyanka. “Can the Cast Away Speak?: Stories of Reason and Resistance from the Margins” Indian Literature (Sahitya Akademi), no. 308, 2018, pp. 198 – 200.
- Tripathi, Priyanka. “Reading Perumal Murugan’s One Part Woman within the Spectrum of Translation, Worship and Censorship” International Journal of Translation, vol. 30, no. 2, 2018, pp.85-96.
- Yashraj, Vinayak, and Priyanka Tripathi. “Emergence of Cultural and Fashion Uniqueness from Bihar (India) rooted in Its Distinctive Regional Background.” American Journal of Art and Design, vol. 3, no. 3, 2018, pp. 26-32. DOI:10.11648/j.ajad.20180303.11
- Tripathi, Priyanka. Book Review, "The Writer, the Reader and the State: Literary Censorship in India by Mini Chandran. Literature & History (SAGE Publications). Vol. 27, No. 2, 2018, pp. 34-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0306197318795798.
- Bhattacharjee, Partha and Priyanka Tripathi, "Decoding the Visual Rhetoric: Memory and Trauma in Lynda Barrys One! Hundred! Demons! World Journal of English Language, vol. 8, no.2, 2018, pp. 37-42
- Biswas, Sanjib K, and Priyanka Tripathi, "The Blame Game: War and Violence in Dilruba Z. Aras Blame". Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature, 12(1),2018. pp.43-58. Retrieved from
http://journals.iium.edu.my/asiatic/index.php/AJELL/article/view/1208 - Tripathi, Priyanka. “Traversing the Terrain of Indian Feminism and Indian Sexuality.” Indian Literature (Sahitya Akademi). Issue 303, Jan-Feb 2018, 181-195.
- Reyaz, Aiman, and Priyanka Tripathi. “Sexuality and Shaping of the Blooming Psyche of Molly in James Joyce’s Ulysses.” The Indian Review of World Literature in English, vol. 14, no. 1, 2018, pp. 53-60
- Tripathi, Priyanka. Review Article “The Adivasi Will Not Dance: Stories by Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar.” Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, Vol. IX, No. 4, 2017, pp. 193-196. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v9n4.r02
- Reyaz, Aiman, and Priyanka Tripathi. “A Study of the Complex Interiors of the Conscious and the Unconscious in Franz Kafka’s The Trial.”International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, vol. 4, no. 2,Sep. 2017, pp. 238-249.
- Reyaz, Aiman, and Priyanka Tripathi. “Narrating the Narration: Using Joyce’s Molly and Kafka’s Gregor to Show the Nature of Narrative.”Language in India, vol. 17, no. 8, Aug. 2017, pp. 175-189.
- Bhattacharjee, Partha, and Priyanka Tripathi. “Silhouetting the Shifting Perspective of Bollywood from ‘Machismo’ to ‘Metrosexuality’.” Journal of English Language and Literature, vol. 8, no. 1, 2017, pp. 575-582.
- Bhattacharjee, Partha, and Priyanka Tripathi. “Ethnic Tensions and Political Turmoil: Postcolonial Reading of Chimamanda Ngozi’s Purple Hibiscus.” Language in India, vol. 17, no. 2, Mar. 2017, pp. 443-450.
- Priyanka Tripathi, Reinventing the Intimate Voices: A Close Reading of Indian Women’s Autobiography in English, Consciousness, Literature and the Arts (University of Lincoln), Vol. 17, No. 3, December 2016
- Biswas, Sanjib Kr. and Priyanka Tripathi, Relocating Women’s Role in War: Rereading Tahmina Anam’s A Golden Age, The Criterion: An International Journal in English, Vol.8, No.1, February 2017. 522-528
- Sanjib Kr Biswas and Priyanka Tripathi, America’s Quest for Spiritualism: Influence of Oriental Philosophy on Select American Poets, Daath Voyage: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English, Vol.1, No.4, December, 2016. 81-93
- Aiman Reyaz and Priyanka Tripathi, Peeping into the World of Virginia Woolf through A Room of One’s Own, Langlit: An International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, August 2016. 461-467
- Aiman Reyaz and Priyanka Tripathi, “Accepting with Grace: Realism, Redemption and Reconciliation in JM Coetzee’s Disgrace”, DAS LITERARISCH: A Biannual Peer Reviewed International Referred Journal of English Literary Studies and Creative Writings, Vol. 2, Issue 1: Jan-June 2016. 41-47
- Aiman Reyaz and Priyanka Tripathi, “How Cultures Talk: A Study of Dell Hymes' Ethnography of Communication”, Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies R&D (California, USA), Vol. 1, Issue 3. 2016. 40-50
- Aiman Reyaz and Priyanka Tripathi, “Fight with/for the Right: An Analysis of Power-politics in Arundhati Roy’s Walking with the Comrades”, ASEBL (New York, USA), Volume 12, Issue 1, 2016. 64-72
- Priyanka Tripathi (with Deepannita Dey), “Baidh/Abaidh: Relationships in Buddhadeva Bose’s It Rained All Night and Dibyendu Palit’s Illicit ” The Commonwealth Review, Vol XXIV, No.1. 138-151
- Priyanka Tripathi (with H S Komalesha), “Textures of Diaspora: Tracing the Cursive Scripts in Michael Ondaatje’s Handwriting” Muse India http://www.museindia.com/featurecontent.asp?issid=62&id=5927
- Priyanka Tripathi, "Quest for an Alternate Paradigm: A Theoretical Expedition of Women and Indian Public Policy" Spectrum: An International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 1, Jan-June 20155-10.
- Priyanka Tripathi, “Understanding D R Nagaraj’s Gargi Model of Feminism through Indian Women’s Short Fiction in English” Atlantic Literary Review Vol.14, No.1, 2013. 81-104.
- Priyanka Tripathi (with Anupma Singh), “Supernatural Proximity: Fantasy and Fiction in Charles Dickens’s “The Bagman’s Story” IUP Journal of English Studies June 2014. 86-95.
- Priyanka Tripathi, “Dimensions of Cultural Conflict and Diasporic Sensibilities in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Arranged Marriage” Sukhadia University Journal of English Literary Studies, Vol-1,No.1, 2013-14.76-85
- Priyanka Tripathi (with Dipanita Dey), “Traversing the Terrain of the Past: A Textual Analysis of Anita Desai’s The Zigzag Way” Indian Journal of World Literature and Culture, Vols. 9 & 10, July 2013. 54-62.
- Priyanka Tripathi, “Shaping Sexuality the Bohemian Way: Physical Relationships in Indian Women’s Short Fiction in English” Families: A Journal of Representations, Vol 9, No 2 & Vol 10, No. 1, 2012. 150-165.
- Priyanka Tripathi, “Women and their Wounded Self: Exploring Indian Women’s Short Fiction in English” IUP Journal of English Studies, Vol. VII, No. 4, December 2012. 19-27.
- Priyanka Tripathi, “Symbolic Significance of Rain in Indian Women’s Short Fiction in English” Muse-India, Issue-44, July- August 2012.
- Priyanka Tripathi (with H S Komalesha), “Indian Women’s Short Fiction in English: Exploring the Neglected Form” IUP Journal of English Studies, Vol. VI, No. 1, March 2011. 26-31.
- Priyanka Tripathi, “Short Stories in Teaching English for Communication Classes: A Catalyst and a Base” FORTELL, Issue 20. January 2011. 17-19.
- Priyanka Tripathi (with H S Komalesha), “Changing Names, Shifting Identities: A Discussion of Bharati Mukherjee’s Jasmine” Kafla Intercontinental, An International Journal of Art, Literature and Culture, Jan- April 2011. 73-79.
- Priyanka Tripathi (with H S Komalesha), “Indian Women’s Short Fiction in English (A Comprehensive Bibliography)” Indian Journal of World Literature and Culture, Vol. 5 & 6, July 2010-January 2011. 111-125.
- Priyanka Tripathi (with H S Komalesha), "Routing Relationships through Diaspora: Short Fiction of Jhumpa Lahiri", Indian Journal of Postcolonial Literatures, Vol. 10, No.2. December 2010. 152-161.
- Priyanka Tripathi, “Different Worlds, One Journey: Discussion of Mira Nair’s Film The Namesake” Lemuria, Summer, 2008. 72-81.
- Priyanka Tripathi, “Claiming Voice-Women in Manju Kapur’s Home” Reflections, Vol. 7. No. 1 & 2, 2008. 162-168.
- Priyanka Tripathi, "Linguistic Interventions and Diasporic Consciousness in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Arranged Marriage”English Language and Literature Teaching: Trends, Techniques, Methods and Approaches eds. Prashant Mothe and Arvind M Nawale. 348-355.
- Priyanka Tripathi (with H S Komalesha), “Thematic Concerns in Bharati Mukherjee’s Jasmine” Cabbages on the Bloom: Women’s Body and Space in the Sub-Continental Fiction Vol-1, eds. Binod Mishra & Kalpana Purohit (New Delhi: Adhyayan Publishers and Distributors, 2012). 220-228.
- Priyanka Tripathi (with H S Komalesha), “Exploring the Short Fiction of Jhumpa Lahiri” Concepts and Contexts of Diasporic Literature of India, ed. K V Dominic (New Delhi: Gnosis, 2011). 131-142.
- Priyanka Tripathi, “Marriage, Marital Violence and Indian Masculinity: Exploring the Short Fiction of Shashi Deshpande” Reverting the Gaze: Analysing the Portrayal of Male Characters in the Fiction of Indian Female Novelists, ed. S.M Yahiya Ibrahim (Jamshedpur: Karim City College, 2011) 73-81.
- Priyanka Tripathi, “Interpreting Diasporic Experience in Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss” Inventing Ties and Bonds in English, eds. Binod Mishra & Paul Dhansekaran (Delhi: Author Press, 2008). 269-273.
- Priyanka Tripathi, “Emphasizing Role of Technology in Modern Scenario” Communication in a Globalized World: Let’s Speak Up, eds. Binod Mishra & Gajendra Singh Chauhan (Delhi: Author Press, 2008). 128-132.
- Partha Bhattacharjee and Priyanka Tripathi. Going Beyond Illustrations: Silhouetting the Contours of Augmented Reality in Print Comics, 15th Annual Conference ImageTech: Comics and Materiality. Graduate Comics Organization at the University of Florida, 6 - 8 April, 2018.
- Partha Bhattacharjee and Priyanka Tripathi. Disease and Visual Rhetorics of Disability: Comics and Autopathography in the Works of Alison Bechdel, International Conference on Interrogating Disability Studies: Literature, Culture, Performance", Dept. of English, University of Delhi, 8 - 10 March, 2018.
- Biswas, Sanjib Kr. and Priyanka Tripathi, “From Exploited to Saviour: Deconstructing the Women’s Role in Tahmima Anam’s 'A Golden Age'” Raiganj University, West Bengal. 07-08 December, 2016
- Aiman Reyaz and Priyanka Tripathi, “Tragic Diaries: An Analysis of Gregor Samsa's Trajectory in Kafka's The Metamorphosis”, International Conference on Literature, Culture and World Peace, Dnyansagar Institute of Management and Research, Pune. 23-24 September, 2016
- Aiman Reyaz and Priyanka Tripathi, “How Cultures Talk: A Study of Dell Hymes’ Ethnography of Communication”. 3rd International ELT Conference, Amity University, Lucknow, 5- 6 March 2016
- Partha Bhattacharjee and Priyanka Tripathi, “ Glorified Nation to No Man’s Land: Reflection of Partition in Saadat Hasan Manto’s Toba Tek Singh” KCC, Jamshedpur, 26-28 November, 2016
- Biswas, Sanjib Kr. and Priyanka Tripathi, “The ‘Shame’ Continues: Re-Evaluating Taslima Nasrin’s Lajja in the Context of today’s Bangladesh” KCC, Jamshedpur, 26-28 November, 2016
- Aiman Reyaz and Priyanka Tripathi, “Love: Much or Nothing in Much Ado About Nothing”, National Conference on Revisiting Shakespeare in the 21st Century, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Patna. September 15-16,2016.
- Priyanka Tripathi, ELT, Social Sixth Sense and Shakespeare”, IIT Patna, 15-16 September 2016
- Aiman Reyaz and Priyanka Tripathi, “Learning: A Study in Evolution, Emotion and Literature”. Conference On Excellence in Education & IFORE Meeting on Teaching and Learning in 21st Century- Linking Research Based Approach to Practice, Department of Education, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, 14-15 May 2016
- “Translating Desire: Exploring Love and Life in Blue: The Tranquebar Book of Erotic Stories from Sri Lanka”, ISCS 2015, Osmania University Hyderabad, 26-28 November, 2015.
- “Is Sexuality a Private Affair? Reflections on Patriarchal India challenged by India’s Feminist Movement”, WEI Conference in Harvard University, Boston, USA, 8-10 June, 2015.
- “Reinventing the Intimate Voices: A Close Reading of Indian Women’s Autobiography in English”, St. Francis College, New York, USA, 10-12 June, 2015
- “The Old Rules Aren't Always Right: Rereading the Short Stories of Indian Diasporic Women Writers" ICAS 2014 ,ICRD, Colombo, Sri Lanka , 14-15 July, 2014.
- “Stress and Conflict Management” in the workshop on Employability Skills and Success at Workplace (10-12 January 2014) Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Patna
- “Communal Violence in India: A Reflection/Refraction of Hindu-Muslim Conflict & Confrontations in Amitava Kumar’s Husband of a Fanatic” BHU,23-25 January, 2014
- “Stretching the Spectrum: Rethinking Dalit Subalternity in Omprakash Valmiki’s Joothan” Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, 19-21 December, 2013
- “Redefining the Concept of Leadership in Public Organizations: The Changing Paradigms in the 21st Century” IIM Calcutta, Kolkata, 7-9 February 2013.
- “Swiftly Shifting Paradigms of Teaching Literature in an ELT Class” University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, 5-6 January, 2013.
- “Interface of Language, Literature and Culture: Text and the Context”, BITS Pilani, 8-9 October, 2012.
- “To Teach More or More to Teach: Rediscovering the Art of Speaking”, 7th International and 43rd ELTAI Conference organized by Vellamal Engineering College, Chennai, 19-21 July, 2012.
- “In Search of Indianness in ELT Classrooms: Translation, Indian Literature and English”, SCOPE, H M Patel Institute of English Training and Research in association with Cambridge ESOL, Gandhinagar, 22-23 June, 2012.
- “Changing Names, Shifting Identities: A Discussion of Bharati Mukherjee’s Jasmine” MELUS-MELOW, Visva-Bharati University, Shantiniketan, 28-30 November, 2008.
- “Dealing with Indian Diaspora-A Discussion on Mira Nair’s film The Namesake” IACLALS, Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, 28–30 January, 2008.
- “Linguistic Mediation of Diaspora: Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Arranged Marriage”, ICOSAL, Aligarh Muslim University, 6–8 January 2008.
- “Assimilation and Resistance in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Arranged Marriage”, ICOSAL, Aligarh Muslim University, 6–8 January 2008.
- “Claiming Voice-Women in Manju Kapur’s Home”, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, 20–21 January, 2007.
- “Conflicted Female Characters Searching for Identity: The Novels of Ruth Prawer Jhabvala and Manju Kapur”, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, 4–5 November, 2006.
- “Supernatural Proximity: Fantasy and Fiction in Charles Dickens’s “The Bagman’s Story”” KCC, Jamshedpur, 4-5 April, 2013.
- “Elucidating the Mélange of Love, Sex and Marriage: A Close Reading of Buddhadeva Bose's It Rained All Night”, SKM University, Dumka, 7-8 September, 2012.
- “Trends and Tradition of Tribal Literature in India”, SKM University, Dumka, 27-28 March, 2012.
- “Gendered Space and Endangered Species: Sexuality and Women in Indian Women's Short Fiction in English”, Southfield College, Darjeeling, 12-14 March, 2012.
- “Narrating to Survive: Memories of the Past in Anita Desai’s The Zigzag Way”, KCC, Jamshedpur, 20-21 December, 2011.
- “Marital Violence and Indian Masculinity: Exploring the Short Fiction of Shashi Deshpande”, KCC, Jamshedpur, 30-31 March, 2011.
- “Beyond the Framework of Diaspora: Exploring Gender Equations in Indian Women’s Short Fiction in English”, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (University of Delhi), Delhi, 19-20 March 2007.
- “Ecotourism: An Approach to Protect the Environment”, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, 17 March, 2007.
- “Society to Screen-Transition of Women Identity in Popular Indian Cinema”, Osmania University College for Women, Hyderabad 6-8 March, 2007.
- “Reinforcing Value of Short Stories in Building Global Technocrats”, Ram Lal Anand College (University of Delhi), Delhi, 16 December, 2006
- “Change of Vision-from Premchand to Satyajit Ray”, Jamia Milia Islamia in collaboration with Sahitya Academi, New Delhi, 23-25 November, 2006.
Short Term Courses Attended:
- Linguistics and its Applications, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, 27–29 December, 2008.
- Literary Theory: Theories of Reading and Writing, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, 1–4 August, 2008.
- Soft Skills, Group Discussion and Personal Interview , Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, 5–8 June, 2008.
- Emotional Intelligence: Optimizing Human Performance at the Work Place, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, 25–27 April, 2008.
- Globalization, leadership and Strategy, Vinod Gupta School Of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, 14–17 February, 2008.
- Communication and Management Essentials, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, 2–5 November, 2007.
Invited Lectures:
- “Public Policy and its role in Women’s Development”(04 April 2015)in a one day seminar organized by PUCL, Jamshedpur in association with Women’s College, Jamshedpur
- “Indian Culture and Engineering Students” (16 May 2012) in All India Radio, Jamshedpur.
- “Teaching Jhumpa Lahiri through Mira Nair” in the AICTE sponsored winter school, Imaginative Reading Creative Writing: Language, Literature and the Teacher (1–7 February 2010) Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
- “Indian Women's Short Fiction in English: An Overview” in the AICTE sponsored summer school, Functional English for Science and Engineering Teachers (14–20 July 2009) Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
- “Introducing Phonetics” with H S Komalesha, in the AICTE sponsored summer school, Functional English for Science and Engineering Teachers (14–20 July 2009) Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur