Dr. Utpal Roy
Dr. Utpal Roy |
Associate Professor |
Ph.D, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India |
Ph: +91-612-255 2007 |
Fax: +91-612-227 7383 |
uroy[*AT]iitp.ac.in |
Research Areas:Bose-Einstein condensate, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum OpticsResearch and Development:
Area of Expertise | Research and Development activities & Significant recent contributions |
Bose-Einstein condensate, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics. | Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is established as a highly tunable system with larger coherence time. Hence, controlling BEC by engineering various kinds of external trap has become extremely important for future technology in this system. We have provided novel exact analytical models for couple of recent remarkable experiments: BEC in bi-chromatic optical lattices, atom-interferometry in BEC at Negative temperature etc. In addition, we have given a theoretical model, unified in the level of external trap, to obtain localised solitary wave excitations. These studies pave the possibility of technological applications with better transparency in the dynamics. An intense numerical study on the chopping of BEC with potential knives is also in place. Moreover, we have provided a classical-quantum correspondence through diffraction limit of the quantum interference structures of Generalized cat state. |
PhD Students:
![]() Ajay Nath |
![]() Jayanta Bera |
![]() Nilanjan Kundu |
![]() Barun Halder |
Professional Experience:
- Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Camerino, Italy
- Post Doctoral Researcher, UKZN, Durban, SA
- Visits: MIT, CUA (Cambridge), USA
Member of Professional bodies:Indian Society of Atomic & Molecular Physics
Other Information:
- NITHEP Scholar, UKZN, Durban, SA (2010)
- IOP Referee for Journal of Physics A and New Journal of Physics
Publications:Journal Publications:
- Coherent state of the Pschl-Teller potential and their revival dynamics, Utpal Roy, J. Banerji and P. K. Panigrahi, J. Phys. A 38, 9115 (2005).
- Some intricacies of the momentum operator in quantum mechanics, Utpal Roy, S. Ghosh and K. Bhattacharya, Revista Mexicana de Fisica 54, 160 (2008).
- Soliton response to transient trap variations, S. Sree Ranjani, Utpal Roy, P. K. Panigrahi, A. K. Kapoor, J. Phys. B 41, 235301 (2008).
- Sinusoidal Excitations in Two Component Bose-Einstein Condensates, P. Das, T. S. Raju, Utpal Roy, P. K. Panigrahi, Phys Rev. A 79, 015601 (2009).
- Sub-Planck scale structures in a vibrating molecule in the presence of decoherence, S. Ghosh,Utpal Roy, C. Genes, and David Vitali, Phys. Rev. A 79, 052104 (2009).
- Sub-Planck scale structures in the Pschl-Teller potential and their sensitivity to perturbations, Utpal Roy, S. Ghosh, P. K. Panigrahi, and David. Vitali, Phys. Rev. A 80, 052115 (2009); Selected in Physical Review Kaleidoscope of Nov. 09.
- Complex solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates with two- and three-body interactions, Utpal Roy, R. Atre, C. Sudheesh, C. N. Kumar, P. K. Panigrahi, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 025003 (2010)
- Gapped solitons and periodic excitations in strongly coupled Bose-Einstein condensate, Utpal Roy, P. K. Panigrahi, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 035302 (2011).
- Propagation of Spikes in Nonresonant Atomic Media: The Maxwell-Duffing Model, Utpal Roy, T. Soloman Raju, P. K. Panigrahi and A. Rai, Accepted for publication, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics (2011).