Dr. Neha Kiritkumar Shah
Dr. Neha Kiritkumar Shah |
Asst. Professor |
Ph.D, IIT Bombay |
Ph: 06123028615 |
nehashah[*AT]iitp.ac.in |
Research Areas:Experimental High Energy Physics
Heavy-ion Collisions: Understanding strong interactions using two-particle correlation functions, Understanding QCD phase diagram with strangeness production, Hypernuclei and antimatter production
Exotics: Dibaryons, pentaquarks and Hadron spectroscopy
Other Interests :Reading, Sketching, Photography
Ph.D. Students:
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Professional Experience:
- Visiting Professor: Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Gujarat, India (October, 2017 – May, 2018)
- CAS-PIFI Post-doctoral Fellow: Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, China (March, 2015 – September, 2017) (Prof. Yu Gang Ma’s group)
- Post-doctoral Fellow: University of California Los Angeles, USA (September, 2010 – July, 2014) (Prof. Huan Z. Huang’s group)
Awards & Honours:
- Post-doctoral fellowship under Chinese Academy of Science Presidents International Fellowship Initiative, March 2015 – September 2017
- Prof. S. K. Shah Gold Medal, The Maharaja Sayajirao University, 2005
- The Proton-Ω correlation function in Au+Au collisions at ÖsNN = 200 GeV. (in preparation)
- Strange hadron production in Au+Au collisions at ÖsNN = 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, and 39 GeV. (in preparation)
- Beam Energy Dependence of Jet-Quenching Signatures in Au+Au Collisions at STAR, Accepted Phys. Rev. Lett., arXiv:1707.01988
- Measurement of hypertriton lifetime in Au+Au collision at RHIC, Phys. Rev. C 97 (2018) 054909.
- Production of multistrange hadrons, light nuclei and hypertriton in central Au+Au collisions at ÖsNN = 11.5 and 200 GeV, N. Shah, Y. G. Ma, J. H. Chen and S. Zhang, Phys. Lett. B 754 (2016) 6.
- Measurement of interaction between antiprotons, Nature 527 (2015) 345.
- The ΛΛ Correlation Function in Au+Au collisions at ÖsNN = 200 GeV, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 (2015) 022301 (It is selected as a Phys. Rev. Lett. Editors' Suggestion)
- Investigation of the dd ® 3He n p0 reaction with WASA-at-COSY, Phys. Rev. C 88 (2013) 014004.
- Exclusive Measurement of the h® p+p- gamma Decay, Phys. Lett. B 707 (2012) 243.
- Experimental Investigation of p0p0 production in Proton-Proton Collisions at Tp=1400 MeV, Phys. Lett. B 706 (2012) 256.
- Measurement of the 3p0 Dalitz Plot Distribution with the WASA Detector at COSY, Phys. Lett. B 677 (2009) 24.
Presentations:Conference Proceedings:
- Study of Hyperon Interaction from Heavy-Ion Collisions using STAR detector at RHIC, submitted to JPS Conf. Proc. 17 (2017) 031002.
- Study of ΛΛ correlations and search for the H-dibaryon with the STAR detector at RHIC, Nucl. Phys. A, 914 (2013) 410.
- Femtoscopy of identified particles at STAR, Nucl. Phys. A 904 (2013) 443.
- Study of ΛΛ correlations and search for the H-dibaryon with the STAR detector at RHIC, Acta Phy. Pol. B Proc. Supp. 5 (2012) 593.
- Experimental study of ppη dynamics with WASA-at-COSY, AIP Conf. Proc. 1374 (2011) 402.
- Physics with the new WASA-at-COSY facility, Himani Bhatt, Kavita Chandwani, Basanta Kumar Nandi, Neha Kiritkumar Shah, Susan Schandmand and Raghava Varma, Indian J. Phys. 84 (12) (2010) 1745.
Invited talks:
- “Search for NW bound state with the STAR detector at RHIC” 13th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2018), VA, USA, June 24-29, 2018. (plenary talk)
- “Overview of Strangeness Production and Baryon-Baryon Interactions from Heavy-Ion Collisions” at the workshop on Exotic hadrons from high-energy collisions, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan, March 23 -26, 2016.
- “Baryon correlation measurement from Heavy-Ion Collisions” at 6th Asian Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference (ATHIC2016), New Delhi, February 15-19, 2016. (plenary talk)
- “Study of Hyperon Interaction from Heavy-Ion Collisions using STAR detector at RHIC” at 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2015), Sendai, Japan, September 7-12, 2015. (plenary talk)
- “Measurement of ΛΛ correlation function from STAR experiment” at 11th Workshop on QCD Phase Transition and Relativistic Heavy-ion Physics, Harbin China during August 17-19, 2015.(plenary talk)
- “Search for H-dibaryon with STAR experiment” Nuclear physics seminar, Ohio State University, USA, June 6, 2013.
- “Study of ΛΛ correlations with the STAR detector at RHIC” at Hyperon-Hyperon Interactions and search for Exotic Di-Hyperons in Nuclear Collisions, RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop, February 29 – March 2, 2012.
- “Experimental study of ppη dynamics with WASA-at-COSY” at the fourth workshop of the American Physical Society Topical group on Hadron Physics at Anaheim, California during April 27-29, 2011.
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Dr. Neha Kiritkumar Shah |
Asst. Professor |
Ph.D, IIT Bombay |
Ph: 06123028615 |
nehashah[*AT]iitp.ac.in |
Research Areas:Experimental High Energy Physics
Heavy-ion Collisions: Understanding strong interactions using two-particle correlation functions, Understanding QCD phase diagram with strangeness production, Hypernuclei and antimatter production
Exotics: Dibaryons, pentaquarks and Hadron spectroscopy
Other Interests :Reading, Sketching, Photography
Ph.D. Students:
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Professional Experience:
- Visiting Professor: Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Gujarat, India (October, 2017 – May, 2018)
- CAS-PIFI Post-doctoral Fellow: Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, China (March, 2015 – September, 2017) (Prof. Yu Gang Ma’s group)
- Post-doctoral Fellow: University of California Los Angeles, USA (September, 2010 – July, 2014) (Prof. Huan Z. Huang’s group)
Awards & Honours:
- Post-doctoral fellowship under Chinese Academy of Science Presidents International Fellowship Initiative, March 2015 – September 2017
- Prof. S. K. Shah Gold Medal, The Maharaja Sayajirao University, 2005
- The Proton-Ω correlation function in Au+Au collisions at ÖsNN = 200 GeV. (in preparation)
- Strange hadron production in Au+Au collisions at ÖsNN = 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, and 39 GeV. (in preparation)
- Beam Energy Dependence of Jet-Quenching Signatures in Au+Au Collisions at STAR, Accepted Phys. Rev. Lett., arXiv:1707.01988
- Measurement of hypertriton lifetime in Au+Au collision at RHIC, Phys. Rev. C 97 (2018) 054909.
- Production of multistrange hadrons, light nuclei and hypertriton in central Au+Au collisions at ÖsNN = 11.5 and 200 GeV, N. Shah, Y. G. Ma, J. H. Chen and S. Zhang, Phys. Lett. B 754 (2016) 6.
- Measurement of interaction between antiprotons, Nature 527 (2015) 345.
- The ΛΛ Correlation Function in Au+Au collisions at ÖsNN = 200 GeV, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 (2015) 022301 (It is selected as a Phys. Rev. Lett. Editors' Suggestion)
- Investigation of the dd ® 3He n p0 reaction with WASA-at-COSY, Phys. Rev. C 88 (2013) 014004.
- Exclusive Measurement of the h® p+p- gamma Decay, Phys. Lett. B 707 (2012) 243.
- Experimental Investigation of p0p0 production in Proton-Proton Collisions at Tp=1400 MeV, Phys. Lett. B 706 (2012) 256.
- Measurement of the 3p0 Dalitz Plot Distribution with the WASA Detector at COSY, Phys. Lett. B 677 (2009) 24.
Presentations:Conference Proceedings:
- Study of Hyperon Interaction from Heavy-Ion Collisions using STAR detector at RHIC, submitted to JPS Conf. Proc. 17 (2017) 031002.
- Study of ΛΛ correlations and search for the H-dibaryon with the STAR detector at RHIC, Nucl. Phys. A, 914 (2013) 410.
- Femtoscopy of identified particles at STAR, Nucl. Phys. A 904 (2013) 443.
- Study of ΛΛ correlations and search for the H-dibaryon with the STAR detector at RHIC, Acta Phy. Pol. B Proc. Supp. 5 (2012) 593.
- Experimental study of ppη dynamics with WASA-at-COSY, AIP Conf. Proc. 1374 (2011) 402.
- Physics with the new WASA-at-COSY facility, Himani Bhatt, Kavita Chandwani, Basanta Kumar Nandi, Neha Kiritkumar Shah, Susan Schandmand and Raghava Varma, Indian J. Phys. 84 (12) (2010) 1745.
Invited talks:
- “Search for NW bound state with the STAR detector at RHIC” 13th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2018), VA, USA, June 24-29, 2018. (plenary talk)
- “Overview of Strangeness Production and Baryon-Baryon Interactions from Heavy-Ion Collisions” at the workshop on Exotic hadrons from high-energy collisions, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan, March 23 -26, 2016.
- “Baryon correlation measurement from Heavy-Ion Collisions” at 6th Asian Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference (ATHIC2016), New Delhi, February 15-19, 2016. (plenary talk)
- “Study of Hyperon Interaction from Heavy-Ion Collisions using STAR detector at RHIC” at 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2015), Sendai, Japan, September 7-12, 2015. (plenary talk)
- “Measurement of ΛΛ correlation function from STAR experiment” at 11th Workshop on QCD Phase Transition and Relativistic Heavy-ion Physics, Harbin China during August 17-19, 2015.(plenary talk)
- “Search for H-dibaryon with STAR experiment” Nuclear physics seminar, Ohio State University, USA, June 6, 2013.
- “Study of ΛΛ correlations with the STAR detector at RHIC” at Hyperon-Hyperon Interactions and search for Exotic Di-Hyperons in Nuclear Collisions, RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop, February 29 – March 2, 2012.
- “Experimental study of ppη dynamics with WASA-at-COSY” at the fourth workshop of the American Physical Society Topical group on Hadron Physics at Anaheim, California during April 27-29, 2011.