Dr. Balendu Bhooshan Upadhyay
Dr. B. B. Upadhyay |
Assistant Professor |
Ph.D, Banaras Hindu University |
Ph: +91-612-302 8721 |
Fax: +91-612-227 7383 |
bhooshan[*AT]iitp.ac.in |
Research Areas:
- Nonlinear Optimization
- Variational Inequality
- Semi-infinite Programming
- Fixed Point Theory
- Differential Manifolds
Teaching:Topics at UG and PG Levels (in BHU, NIT Manipur and IIT Patna):
- Optimization Techniques
- Modern Algebra
- Linear Algebra
- Numerical Methods
- Real Analysis
- Complex Analysis
- Tensor and Geometry
Activity with Students :Guided following students for their M. Sc. dissertations:
- Y. Linthoigambi (NIT Manipur)
- L. Haokip Gin (NIT Manipur)
- K. Amarjit Singh (NIT Manipur)
- Kh. Manglem Singh (NIT Manipur)
Sponsored Project:
Title | Principal Investigator | Sponsored by |
Towards New Platform on Generalized Vector Variational Inequalities: Scope in Optimization and Bilevel Programming | Dr. Balendu Bhooshan Upadhyay | ‘Science and Engineering Research Board’ (SERB-ECR), DST, Government of India |
Professional Experience:
- Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
National Institute of Technology Manipur
Langol- 795004, Imphal, India
(From December 2014 to September 2017) - Post Doctoral Fellow (Banaras Hindu University)
National Board of Higher Mathematics
Department of Atomic Energy, India
(From May 2014 to December 2014)
Administrative Responsibility :
- Controller of Examinations at NIT Imphal from February 2016 to February 2017
- Assistant Controller of Examinations at NIT Imphal from February 2015 to February 2016
- Assistant Warden at NIT Manipur (from July 2016 to July 2017)
- Member of Hostel Desciplinary Committee (from July 2016 to July 2017)
Awards & Honours :
- Award of Post-Doctoral Fellowship of National Board for Higher Mathematics(NBHM)-2014
- CSIR-UGC (NET-JRF)-2010 (all India rank-036).
- GATE-2011
- Research Fellowship by UGC(From October-2009 to December 2010)
- Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) by CSIR (from January 2011 to December 2012 )
- Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) by CSIR (from January 2013 to December 2013)
- IMS Prize for the Year 2012 for Presenting Best Research Paper at 78th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society (IMS)
Member of Professional bodies:
- Working Group on Generalized Convexity: www.genconv.org
- International Society on Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) http://mcdmsociety.org/members/country.php?country=INDIA
- Indian Mathematical Society (Membership No: U-12-01)
- Organized (Co-convener) an international Conference on “Emerging Trends in Science and Engineering Research” held at NIT Manipur from 02nd-04th December 2015.
- Pseudolinear Functions and Optimization (K24028, ISBN-978-1-4822-5573-7), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014 (Co-authored with Prof. S.K. Mishra)
Journals reviewed:
- Turkish Journal of Mathematics
- Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
- Filomat
- B.B. Upadhyay, S.K. Mishra,: Nonsmooth semi-infinite minmax programming involving generalized
invexity, Journal of System Sciences and Complexity. August 2015, 28(4), pp 857-875 DOI: 10.1007/s11424-015-2096-6.
- S.K. Mishra, B.B. Upadhyay, L.T. Hoai An: Lagrange multiplier characterization of Solution sets of constrained nonsmooth pseudolinear Optimization Problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Springer, 160 (3), pp. 763-777 (2014) DOI 10.1007/s10957-013-0313-9.
- S.K. Mishra, B.B. Upadhyay: Nonsmooth Minimax Fractional Programming Involving
-Pseudolinear Functions, Optimization, 63 (5), pp. 775–788 (2014) Taylor & Francis, DOI:10.1080/02331934.2012.689833, ISBN:0233-1934 (Print), 1029-4945 (Online).
- S.K. Mishra, B.B. Upadhyay: Some relations between vector variational inequality problems and nonsmooth vector optimization problems using quasi efficiency, Positivity, Springer, 17, pp. 1071-1083 (2013) ISSN: 1385-1292 (Print) 1572-9281 (Online).
- S.K. Mishra, B.B. Upadhyay: Efficiency and Duality in Nonsmooth Multiobjective Fractional Programming Involving
-Pseudolinear Functions, Yugoslav Journal on Operations Research, 22 (1), pp. 3-18, 2012.
- Yadvendra Singh, Amod Kumar, B.B. Upadhyay, Vinay Singh: On sufficiency in multiobjective programming involving generalized (G, C, )-type I functions, Yugoslav Journal on Operations Research, 23 (1), pp. 65-76, 2013.
- B.B. Upadhyay, S.K. Mishra and S.K. Porwal: Explicitly geodesic B-preinvex functions on Riemannian manifolds, Transactions on Mathematical Programming and Applications, 3(2), pp. 1-14, 2015
- Tadeusz Antczak, S.K. Mishra and B.B. Upadhyay: First order duality results for a new class of nonconvex semi-infinite minimax fractional programming problems, Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies, 9(1) pp. 132-162, (2016)
- B B Upadhyay, N. Priyobarta, Y.S. Rohen: Sufficient optimality conditions and duality for nonsmooth multiobjective problems via higher order strong convexity, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 27(2) 227-242, 2017
- B. B. Upadhyay, R. N. Mohapatra, S. K. Mishra On relationships between vector variational inequality and nonsmooth vector optimization problems via strict minimizers, Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities, 20 (2), 1-16, 2017
- N. Priyobarta, Y.S. Rohen, B.B. Upadhyay: Some fixed point result in fuzzy cone metric spaces, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 109 (3), 573-582.
- S.K. Mishra, B.B. Upadhyay, “Duality in Nonsmooth Multiobjective Fractional Programming Involving
-Pseudolinear Functions” Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 3 (1), pp. 152-161, 2012
Invited Talk(s)/Presentation(s):
- Paper entitled “On Vector Variational Inequalities and Nonsmooth Vector pseudolinear Optimization Problems” in “Workshop on Applied Optimization Models and Computing (WAOMC-15)” organized by Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre (January 28-January 31, 2015).
- Paper entitled ‘Lagrange Multiplier Characterizations of the Solution Sets of Constrained Nonsmooth Pseudolinear Optimization Problems’ in ‘CIMPA-UNESCO-INDIA Research School 2013’ on the topic ‘Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems, Bilevel Programming and MPEC’ organized by Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, India (November 25-December-06, 2013).
- Paper entitled ‘Optimality via Generalized Approximate Convexity and Quasi Efficiency Using Limiting Subdifferential’ at 78th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society (IMS) held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi organized by Department of Mathematics and DST-CIMS, BHU, India (January 22-25, 2013).
- Paper entitles ‘Some Relations Between Vector Variational Inequality Problems and Nonsmooth Vector Optimization Problems’ in ‘International Symposium on Applied Optimization and Game Theoretic Models’ organized by Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi (January 09-11, 2013).
- Paper entitled ‘On relations between Minty vector variational like inequalities and vector optimization problems in Asplund spaces’ in ‘International Conference on Optimization, Modeling and Applications’ organized by Department of Operations Research, University of Delhi, Delhi (November 29- December 01, 2012).
- Paper entitled ‘Characterizations of the Solution set and Sufficient Optimality Criteria via Higher Order Strong Convexity for Lipschitz functions’ in ‘International Conference on Game Theory, Operations Research and its Applications’ organized by Indian Statistical Institute, Chennai Centre (January 05-07, 2012).
- Paper entitled ‘Nonsmooth Minimax Fractional programming involving eta-Pseudolinear Functions’ in ‘International Conference on Frontier in Applied Mathematics and its Computational Aspects’ organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Calcutta, (March 15-17, 2011).
- Talk on the topic “Relations between vector variational like inequalities and vector optimization problems in Asplund spaces” in The International Conference on Continuous Optimization-2016 (ICCOPT-16) held in Tokyo from August 6th to August 11th, 2016.
- Visited DST-Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi from July 1st to July 12th, 2015 and given a talk on "Pseudolinear Functions and Its Applications in Optimization" at 10th July 2015.
Seminar(s)/ Conference(s)/
- ‘Training program on ‘LATEX and Other Open Source Software’ organised by D.S.T. Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, BHU. Varanasi (December 07- 12, 2009).
- ‘International Conference on Optimization and its Applications’ organized by Department of Mathematics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (February16-18, 2010).
- ‘Satellite Conference on International Congress of Mathematician 2010(ICM 2010) on Mathematics in Science and Technology’ jointly organized by ISIAM and Sharda University, (August 14-17, 2010).
- ‘Workshop on Variational Analysis and Optimization with Applications to PDEs’ organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (April 1-4, 2011).
- ‘Workshop on Differential Geometry’ organized by D.S.T. Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, BHU. Varanasi (May 2-11, 2011).
- ‘National Instructional Workshop on Graph Theory and its Applications’ organized by D.S.T. Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, BHU. Varanasi (May 23-28, 2011).
- ‘International Conference on Analysis and its Applications’ organized by Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (November 19-21, 2011).
- ‘Advance Training Program on Recent Development in Optimization (ATPOA)’ organized by D.S.T. Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, BHU. Varanasi (November 23-28, 2011).
- ‘Workshop on Game Theory’ organized by Indian Statistical Institute, Chennai Centre (January 03-04, 2012)
- ‘Training Programme on Optimization and Its Applications’ Department of Operations Research, University of Delhi, Delhi (November 26- December 01, 2012).
- ‘Advance Training Programme on Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications (ATP-NFAA)’ organized by D.S.T.-Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences and Department of Mathematics, BHU. Varanasi (March 04-10, 2013).
- ‘CIMPA-UNESCO-INDIA Research School 2013’ on the topic ‘Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems, Bilevel Programming and MPEC’ organized by Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, India (November 25-December-06, 2013).