Dr. Om Prakash
Dr. Om Prakash |
Associate Professor |
Ph.D, Banasthali University, Rajasthan |
Mobile: +91-89368-37975 |
Ph: +91-612-302-8108 |
om[*AT]iitp.ac.in |
Teaching Experience:18 YearsProfessional Experience:
- Assistant Professor, IIT Patna, from Dec. 23, 2011 to December 17, 2015.
- Associate Professor, Banasthali University, Rajasthan from January 2010 to December 2011.
- Assistant Professor, Banasthali University, Rajasthan from July 2001 to January 2010.
Awards & Honours:
- 2nd rank in the University at graduate level.
Member of Professional bodies:
- Lifetime Member of Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata (Membership No.: L13648).
- Lifetime Member of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, Kolkata.
- Lifetime Member of the Indian Mathematical Society, Pune (Registration No.- S-550, New Delhi).
Research Areas:Rings & Modules (Skew Polynomial Rings, Associated Prime Rings)Research Interests :Algebraic Coding Theory, Algebraic Graph Theory, Algebraic Number TheoryCourses taught at IITP :
- MA101: Mathematics I- B. Tech. (4 times)
- MA102: Mathematics II- B. Tech. (4 times)
- MA 201: Mathematics- III- B. Tech. (1 time)
- MA 231: Introduction to Numerical Methods- B. Tech. (4 times)
- MA 505: Number Theory & Cryptography- M. Tech. (5 times)
- MA 701: Algebra- Ph. D. (2 times)
- MC 591: Seminar- M. Tech.- I sem (2 times)
- MC 592: Seminar- M. Tech.- II sem (1time)
- MA 421: Linear Algebra- M. Sc. I sem (3 times)
- MA 424: Complex Analysis- M. Sc. II sem (2 times)
- MA536: Rings & Modules- M. Sc. IV sem (2 times)
Courses taught at Banasthali Vidyapith :
- UG (B. Sc. & B. Tech.):
Abstract Algebra, Theory of Matrices, Linear Programming, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Number Theory, Basic Mathematics and Dynamics & Statics. - PG: Functional Analysis, Rings & Modules, Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis and Complex Analysis.
- M. Phil.: Advanced Analysis, Linear Algebra and Rings & Modules.
Research/ M.Phil/ PG Projects guided:
- Ph. D. Supervision (Completed/ ongoing): 7 / 7
- M. Phil. Dissertations: 8
- M. Tech. Dissertations: 01 (ongoing)
- One-year research projects of M. Sc. (Mathematics) students : 13/01
PhD Students:07 (IIT Patna)
- Ph. D. Supervision (Completed/ ongoing)
- Mr. Diwakar Sharma- Jan. 2010 at Banasthali Vidyapith (Awarded April 2015).
- Mr. Raj Kumar Mistri- at IIT Patna (With Dr. R. K. Pandey) (Awarded June 2016).
- Ms. Kalpana- Jan. 2011 at Banasthali Vidyapith (Awarded Dec. 2016).
- Mrs Sheela Suthar- July 2011 at Banasthali Vidyapith (Awarded Dec. 2016).
- Mrs. Nidhi Shekhawat- Jan. 2010 at Banasthali Vidyapith (With Prof. R. K. Rathie) (Awarded April 2017).
- Mr. Atul Sangal- July 2011 at Banasthali Vidyapith (with Dr. R. K. Saini) (Awarded April 2017)
- Ms. Anshika Srivastava- May 2013 at IIT Patna (With Dr. R. K. Pandey) (Awarded Dec. 2018)
- Ms. Sushma Singh- July 2012 at IIT Patna
- Mr. Arindam Ghosh- July 2014 at IIT Patna
- Mr. Ravindra Kumar- July 2015 at IIT Patna
- Mr. Ram Krishna Verma- July 2015 at IIT Patna
- Mr. Habibul Islam- Jan. 2017 at IIT Patna
- Ms. Shikha Patel- Jan. 2018 at IIT Patna
- Ms. Shikha Yadav- July 2018 at IIT Patna.
- M. Phil. Dissertations:
- A study of generalized ideals in near- Rings (Ms. Savita Kumari- 2009)
- Ore extensions over 2- primal rings (Ms. Neti Jangra- 2009)
- A study of Baer and P.P. rings (Ms. Anjali Yadav- 2010)
- A study of ideals in - near rings (Ms. Kalpana Thakur- 2010)
- Study of commutativity of prime - near rings with - (, )- derivations (Ms. Aarti Gupta- 2010)
- A study of radicals in matrix near rings (Ms. Latika Leekha- 2011)
- The study of graph of a near ring with respect to an ideal (Ms. Ritu Rani Meherwal- 2011)
- A study of skew polynomial rings over pseudovaluation rings (Ms. Swati Verma- 2012)
- M. Tech. Project/Thesis:
- A study of cyclic codes over matrix ring (Mr. Dipak Kumar Bhunia– 2018-19) pursuing.
- One-year research projects of M. Sc. (Mathematics) students:
- Ore extensions of s- rigid and d- rigid rings (Ms. Garima Chopra- 2007).
- Differential ideals and orders in Artinian rings (Ms. Anju- 2007).
- A note on compatible ideals and radicals of Ore extensions (Ms. Nidhi Khandelwal- 2008).
- Jordan derivations of prime rings with characteristic two (Ms. Sheenu Rani- 2008).
- On 2-primal Ore extensions (Ms. Disha Wadhwa- 2010).
- Prime radicals of skew polynomial ring (Ms. Reetu Yadav- 2010).
- Completely pseudo valuation rings and their extensions (Ms. Vinti Sharma- 2010).
- Study of pseudo valuation rings and their extensions (Ms. Samridhi Rathi- 2011).
- Study of associated prime ideals of differential operator rings (Ms. Gayatri Tuneja- 2011).
- Study of prime ideals and primary decompositions in a non-associative ring (Ms. Upma Sharma- 2011).
- A study of normal fuzzy R-subgroups in near rings (Ms. Rekha Yadav- 2012).
- A study of prime skew rings and skew power series Armendariz rings (Ms. Pratibha Rani- 2012).
- Cyclic codes over finite rings (Syamantak Das- 2018).
- A study of Constacyclic codes over finite rings (Damini Sidola- 2018-19) pursuing.
- Summer & Winter intern projects of M. Sc. (Mathematics) students
- Mr. Ujjwal Pratap (CUSB, Bodh Gaya) during May 1 to June 30, 2014.
- Mr. Tekaram Kisan (ISERC, V. B. U. Santiniketan) during June 1 to July 15, 2014.
- Mr. Akash Kumar (NIT Rourkela) during May 01 to June 30, 2017.
- Mr. Aman Kumar (IISER Bhopal) during Dec. 01-31, 2018.
Journal Publications:
- Habibul Islam and Om Prakash, A class of constacyclic codes over the ring ℤ4[u,v]/<u2, v2, uv-vu> and their Gray images, Filomat (accepted Dec. 2018).
- Habibul Islam, Ram Krishna Verma and Om Prakash, A family of constacyclic codes over Fpm[v,w]/<v2-1, w2-1, vw-wv>, Int. J. Infor. Coding Theory (accepted October 2018).
- Arindam Ghosh and Om Prakash, Jordan left {g, h}-derivation over some algebras (Communicated- Beitr. Algebra Geom.) (arXiv:1803.07953v1 [math.RA] 21 Mar 2018).
- Arindam Ghosh and Om Prakash, Jordan {g,h}-derivation on algebra of matrices (Communicated- Filomat) (arXiv:1803.07941v1 [math.RA] 21 Mar 2018).
- Arindam Ghosh and Om Prakash, Remarks on Jordan derivation on matrix algebras (Communicated) (arXiv:1803.07939v1 [math.RA] 21 Mar 2018).
- Sushma Singh and Om Prakash, Armendariz Property with weakly semicommutativity (Accepted in SEAMS 2018) (arXiv:1609.00944v1 [math.RA] 4 Sep 2016).
- Habibul Islam and Om Prakash, Skew cyclic codes over Fp + uFp + … + uk-1Fp (Communicated to Appl. Math. Comput.) (arXiv:1611.04163v1 [math.RA] 13 Feb 2018).
- Habibul Islam and Om Prakash, Quantum codes from the cyclic codes over Fp[u, v,w]/<u2 − 1, v2 − 1,w2 – 1, uv − vu, vw − wv, wu – uw>, J. Appl. Math. Comput. (online 02 January 2019) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12190-018-01230-1.
- Sushma Singh and Om Prakash, A note on lower nil M-Armendariz ring, Cogent Mathematics & Statistics 5 (2018): 1545411https://doi.org/10.1080/25742552018.
- R. K. Mistri, R. K. Pandey and Om Prakash, A generalization of sumset and its applications, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) (2018) 128:55 (1-8), https://doi.org/10.1007/s12044-018-0437-
- Anshika Srivastava, R. K. Pandey and Om Prakash, Motzkin’s maximal density and related chromatic numbers, Unif. Distrib. Theory 13(1) (2018), 27-45.
- H. Islam, T. Bag and Om Prakash, A class of constacyclic codes over ℤ4 [ u]/<uk>, J. Appl. Math. Comput. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12190-018-1211-y (online August 6, 2018).
- T. Bag, H. Islam, Om Prakash and A. K. Upadhyay, A study of constacyclic codes over ℤ4[u]/<u2-3>, Discrete Math. Algorithms Appl. 10(4) (2018), 1850056 (1-10) DOI: 10.1142/S1793830918500568.
- Habibul Islam and Om Prakash, A study of cyclic and constacyclic codes over ℤ4 + u ℤ4 + v ℤ4 , Int. J. Inf. Coding Theory 5(2) (2018), 155-168.
- Habibul Islam and Om Prakash, Skew cyclic and skew (uα1 + uα2 + vα3 + uvα4)-constacyclic codes over Fq + uFq + vFq + uvFq, Int. J. Inf. Coding Theory 5(2) (2018), 101-116.
- Ravindra Kumar and Om Prakash, Divisor graph of the complement of Γ(R), Asian-Eur. J. Math. 12(1) (2019) (Accepted and online available March 2018).
- Habibul Islam and Om Prakash, Construction of skew cyclic and skew constacyclic codes over Fq + uFq + vFq, (Communicated- Discrete Math. Algorithms Appl.) (arXiv:submit/2097487 [cs.IT] 8 Dec 2017).
- Ravindra Kumar and Om Prakash, Very cost effective bipartition in Γ(Zn), (Communicated) (arXiv:submit/1790253 [math.CO] 29 Jan 2017).
- Shalini Chandra, Om Prakash and Sheela Suthar, Some Properties of the Nilradical and Non-nilradical Graphs over Finite Commutative Ring Zn, Algebra Discrete Math. 24(2) (2017), 181–190.
- Anshika Srivastava, R. K. Pandey and Om Prakash, On the maximal density of integral sets whose differences avoiding the weighted Fibonacci numbers, Integers 17 (2017), Page No. A48 (1-19).
- Sheela Suthar and Om Prakash, Energy and Wiener index of Total Graph over Ring Zn, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 63 (2017), 485–495.
- R. K. Mistri, R. K. Pandey and Om Prakash, Subset and Subsequence Sums in Integers, J. Comb. Number Theory 8(3) (2017), 207-223.
- Sushma Singh and Om Prakash, Extension of Almost Armendariz Rings (arXiv:1707.02820v1 [math.RA] 10 Jul 2017).
- R. K. Saini, Atul Sangal and Om Prakash, A Comparative study of transportation problem for trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, Int. J. Appl. Eng. Res. (Scopus) 10(24) (Dec. 2015), 44105- 44111.
- Nidhi Shekhawat, Om Prakash and Arjun K. Rathie, On generalizations of two Ramanujan’s Summations, AIP Conf. Proc. 1728, 020684 (2016); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4946735.
- Nidhi Shekhawat, A K Rathie and Om Prakash, On a quadratic transformation due to Kummer and its generalizations, AIP Conf. Proc. 1728,020683 (2016); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4946734.
- Junesang Choi, Nidhi Shekhawat, Arjun K. Rathie and Om Prakash, On a new class of series identities, Honam Math. J. 37(3) (2015), 339-352.
- Om Prakash, D. Sharma and P. Maheshwari, Certain generalized q-operators, Demonstr. Math. 48(3) (2015), 404-412.
- R. K. Saini, Atul Sangal and Om Prakash, A Modified Method For Unbalanced Transportation Problems in Fuzzy Environment by Zero Suffix Method Via Robust Ranking Technique, Global J. Pure Appl. Math. (Scopus) 11(2) (2015), 997-1011.
- R. K. Mistri, R. K. Pandey and Om Prakash, Subsequence Sums: Direct and Inverse Problems, J. Number Theory, 148 (March 2015), 235–256.
- Sushma Singh and Om Prakash, Almost Armendariz Rings, (Communicated in journal) (arXiv:1502.01508v1 [math.RA] 5 Feb. 2015).
- Sheela Suthar and Om Prakash, Covering of line graph of zero divisor graph over ring Zn, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science 5(6) (Jan. 2015), 728-734.
- R. K. Saini, Atul Sangal and Om Prakash, Unbalanced Transportation Problems in FuzzyEnvironment using Centroid Ranking Technique, International Journal of Computer Applications 110(11) (Jan. 2015), 27-33.
- Om Prakash and Kalpana, Generalised strongly prime ideals in near rings, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci. 9(13) (Nov. 19, 2014 online), 639 – 643.
- Nidhi Shekhawat and Om Prakash, Generalization of a result involving product of generalized hypergeometric series due to Ramanujan, Int. J. Modern Physics: Conference Series, 22 (2013), 679-685.
- Atul Sangal, R. K. Saini and Om Prakash, Fuzzy transportation problems solving by Simplex type algorithms, Math. Sci. Int. Res. J. 1 (2) (2012), 885-892.
- Kalpana and Om Prakash, On 2-f primal ideals in near ring, Math. Sci. Int. Res. J. 1 (1) (2012), 93- 99.
- D. Sharma, Om Prakash and P. Maheshwari, On the Miccelli Combinations of Modified Beta Operators, Proc. Jangjeon Math. Soc. 15(4) (2012), 437-446.
- Om Prakash and Kalpana, A note on Prime Radicals in G-near rings, Int. J. Algebra 5(21) (2011), 1021-1029.
- V. K. Bhat, Neeraj Nehra, Ajay Kaul, Ravi Raina & Om Prakash, Associated Prime Ideals of a Complete Lattice, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci. 2(16) (2007), 783-786.
- V. K. Bhat, Ravi Raina, Neeraj Nehra & Om Prakash, A note on Zero Divisor Graph on Rings, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci. 2(14) (2007), 667-671.
- V. K. Bhat, Ravi Raina, Neeraj Nehra & Om Prakash, A note on Derivations, J. Ind. Acad. Math. 29(1) (2007), 219-222.
- V. K. Bhat, Ravi Raina & Om Prakash, Associated Prime Ideals of Enveloping Algebras: (Differential Operator Rings), Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci. 2(9) (2007), 417-421.
- V. K. Bhat, Ravi Raina & Om Prakash, Ore extensions over d-rigid rings, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci. 1(12) (2006), 591 - 595.
Paper presented/ Participated in the Conferences:
- Om Prakash, invited talk on Applications of mathematics in coding theory and its utility in science and technology in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Research in Applied Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Approach (NCRTRAS- 2018) Sponsored by Higher, Technical Education & Skill Development Department, Govt. of Jharkhand at GLA College, Medininagar, Palamu during Dec. 6-7, 2018.
- Ram Krishna Verma, Om Prakash and Habibul Islam, A note on constacyclic codes over F3[u, v, w]/< u2-1, v2-1, w2-1, uv-uv, vw-wv, wu-uw> in the International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics at Department of Applied Mathematics, DTU, New Delhi during October 23-25, 2018.
- Habibul Islam, Om Prakash and Ram Krishna Verma, Quantum codes from the cyclic codes over Fp[v, w]/< v2-1, w2-1, vw-wv> in the International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics at Department of Applied Mathematics, at DTU, Delhi during October 23-25, 2018.
- Ram Krishna Verma, Om Prakash and Habibul Islam, A note on constacyclic codes over R= Fq[u1, u2, u3, u4]/< ui2-1, uiuj-uj ui> in the UGC sponsored International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Scientific Computing organized by Department of Mathematics, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, during September 18-19, 2018.
- Om Prakash and Arindam Ghosh, Invited Lecture delivered on Generalization of Jordan derivation over some algebras, in the UGC sponsored International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Scientific Computing organized by Department of Mathematics, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, during September 18-19, 2018.
- Habibul Islam and Om Prakash, Skew cyclic codes over F
p+u F
p+u2 F
p in the UGC sponsored International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Scientific Computing organized by Department of Mathematics, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, during September 18-19, 2018.
- Sushma Singh and Om Prakash, Some results on power serieswise almost Armendariz rings, Arbeitstagung Allgemeine Algebra (AAA-96): 96th Workshop on General Algebra at Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Dermstadt, Dermstadt, Germany during June 01-03, 2018 (presented by Sushma Singh).
- Om Prakash and Arindam Ghosh, Characterization of Jordan left {g, h}-derivation over some algebras, Arbeitstagung Allgemeine Algebra(AAA-96): 96th Workshop on General Algebra at Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Dermstadt, Dermstadt, Germany during June 01-03, 2018.
- Om Prakash, Invited lectures delivered on Generalization of Armendariz rings (March 26) and Application of skew polynomial rings in coding theory (March 27) in UGC-SAP seminar on Algebra and Topology at Department of Mathematics, NEHU Shillong during March 26-28, 2018.
- Anshika Srivastava, Om Prakash and R. K. Pandey, Distance graph with maximum chromatic number, Research Scholar Day at IIT Patna, Bihta March 17, 2018.
- Arindam Ghosh and Om Prakash, Jordan derivations and its extension on matrix algebras Research Scholar Day at IIT Patna, Bihta March 17, 2018.
- Ram Krishna Verma and Om Prakash, On the breadth of p-groups and nilpotent Lie algebras Research Scholar Day at IIT Patna, Bihta March 17, 2018.
- Arindam Ghosh and Om Prakash, A Note on Jordan Derivation over Algebra of Matrices in the International Conference on Linear Algebra and its Applications in cooperation with The Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) at Manipal University, Manipal during Dec. 11-15, 2017.
- Anshika Srivastava, Om Prakash and R. K. Pandey, Some coloring parameters of integer distance graph, Research Scholar Day at IIT Patna, Bihta, March 5, 2017.
- Om Prakash, Generalized Armendariz Rings, invited talk in 32nd Annual Conference of The Mathematical Society, Banaras Hindu University on "Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications" during February 17-18, 2017.
- Sushma Singh, Om Prakash and Arindam Ghosh, Strongly Nil IFP in the International Conference of The Indian Mathematics Consortium (TIMC) in cooperation with The American Mathematical Society (AMS) at BHU, Varanasi during Dec. 14-17, 2016.
- Arindam Ghosh, Om Prakash and Sushma Singh, A Note on Jordan Automorphism over Algebra of Upper Triangular Matrices in the International Conference of The Indian Mathematics Consortium (TIMC) in cooperation with The American Mathematical Society (AMS) at BHU, Varanasi during Dec. 14-17, 2016.
- Ravindra Kumar, Om Prakash and R. K. Verma, Very Cost Effective Graph of G(Zn) in the International Conference of The Indian Mathematics Consortium (TIMC) in cooperation with The American Mathematical Society (AMS) at BHU, Varanasi during Dec. 14-17, 2016.
- Sheela Suthar and Om Prakash, Energy and Wiener index of Total Graph over Ring Zn with Zero in the International Conference on Current Trends in Graph Theory and Computation at South Asian University, New Delhi during Sept. 17-19, 2016.
- Sheela Suthar and Om Prakash, Energy and Wiener index of Total Graph over Ring Zn without Zero in the International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Their Applications (ICRAMTA-2016) at Department of Mathematics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur during July 10-12, 2016.
- Kalpana and Om Prakash, Genrealised prime ideals of rings presented paper in the 33rd Ohio State-Dension Mathematics Conference at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (U.S.A), May 13-15, 2016.
- Sushma Singh and Om Prakash, Study of Armendariz Rings under Weakly IFP, Research Scholar Day at IIT Patna, Bihta Feb. 28, 2016.
- Anshika Srivastava, Om Prakash and R. K. Pandey, The Lonely Runner Conjecture with runners speed as some generalized Fibonacci numbers, Research Scholar Day at IIT Patna, Bihta Feb. 28, 2016.
- Nidhi Shekhawat, A K Rathie and Om Prakash, On a quadratic transformation due to Kummer and its generalizations, International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics, Department of Physics, Govt. Eng. College Bikaner during Oct. 30-31, 2015 (presented by Nidhi Shekhawat).
- Nidhi Shekhawat, Om Prakash and Arjun K. Rathie, On generalizations of two Ramanujan’s Summations, International Conference on Condensed Matter & Applied Physics, Department of Physics, Govt. Eng. College Bikaner during Oct. 30-31, 2015 (presented by Nidhi Shekhawat).
- Sushma Singh and Om Prakash, A note on reversibility over prime radicals, International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Allahabad during July 10-12, 2015 (presented by Sushma Singh).
- Om Prakash, Strongly prime ideals and its extension in nearrings, invited talk (Parallel Sessions) in 24th International conference on Nearrings, Nearfields and Related topics at Manipal Intitute of Technology, Manipal during July 5-12, 2015.
- Sushma Singh and Om Prakash, α-3-Armendariz rings, 24th International conference on Nearrings, Nearfields and Related topics at Department of Mathematics, MIT, Manipal during July 5-12, 2015 (presented by Sushma Singh).
- Sheela Suthar and Om Prakash, The Zero divisor Graph of Z(pn)(qm), International Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences- 2015 at Khalsa College, Patiala during March 19-21, 2015(Presented by Sheela Suthar).
- D. Sharma and Om Prakash, Approximation Properties of Beta-Baskakov Operators, Conference on Advance Techniques & Devices in Mathematics & Physical Sciences (An International Meet) at SRM University, Delhi January 23-25, 2015 (Presented by D. Sharma).
- Sheela Suthar and Om Prakash, Adjacency matrix and energy of the line graph of the zero divisor graph over ring Zn, in the National Meet of Research Students in Mathematical Sciences (NMRSMS) held at Department of Statistics, University of Jammu, Jammu from Dec. 8-12, 2014 (Sponsored by SERB, DST).
- Om Prakash and Sheela Suthar, Some properties of the nilradical and non-nilradical graphs associated to the zero-divisor graph of finite commutative ring Zn, in the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM)- 2014, held at Coex, Seoul, Korea from Aug. 13-21, 2014 (Presented by self).
- D. Sharma and Om Prakash, Some approximation properties of linear positive operators, 2nd National conference on Applications of Mathematics in Science, Technology and Management at SRM Smarak College of Engineering and Technology, Bareilly, Jan. 24-25, 2014.
- Sheela Suthar and Om Prakash, Covering of Line Graph of Zero Divisor Graph over Commutative Ring Zn,, in the International Conference on Special Functions & Their Applications' (ICSFA 2013) and symposium on 'Applications in Diverse Fields of Engineering and Technology' held at Malviya National Institute Of Technology, Jaipur during Dec. 13-15, 2013 (Presented by Sheela Suthar).
- Kalpana and Om Prakash, Some Results on Generalized Ideals in Near Rings in the National Seminar in Mathematical Sciences organised at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, J&K from March 22- 24, 2013. (Presented by Kalpana).
- Om Prakash and Swati, A generalization on Prime Skew Rings in the 15 Annual conference of Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications organized at Banasthali University from Feb. 24-26, 2013 (Presented by Swati).
- Kalpana and Om Prakash, A generalization of 2- primal ideals in Near rings in the 15 Annual conference of Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications organized at Banasthali University from Feb. 24-26, 2013 (Presented by Kalpana).
- Participated and presented paper entitled Decomposability of Skew Polynomial Rings in the National Conference on Recent Developments in Mathematics and Related Areas organized by Department of Mathematics, Patna University, Patna- Dec. 21-23, 2012.
- Kalpana and Om Prakash, Generalised strongly prime ideals in near rings in the International Conference on Mathematics- 2012 (ICMSCE-2012) organised at Vijaywada, held from Sept. 13-14, 2012 (Presented by Kalpana).
- Kalpana and Om Prakash, On 2-f-primal ideals in Near Rings in the National Conference on Algebra and Analysis- 2011 (ICMSCE-2012) organised at Jalandhar, held from Feb. 4-6, 2011(Presented by Kalpana).
- Participated in the conference on Mathematics Education- Trends and Challenges jointly organized by NISER Bhubaneswar and University of Hyderabad in Hyderabad from Aug. 19- 21, 2011.
- Presented paper in the National Seminar on Mathematical Manuscripts in India, organised by National Mission for Manuscripts, New Delhi and Kundakunda Gyanpith, Indore held from March 27- 29, 2011 (Treatment to congruences in ancient India).
- Participated in the International Congress of Mathematicians in Hyderabad, India held from Aug. 19- 27, 2010.
- Presented paper in the National Seminar on Frontier of Mathematics and Applications at Calcutta Mathematical Society, Kolkata held from March 27-28, 2010 (A Generalisation of Ideals in G- Near Rings).
- Participated and a member of the organizing committee in the International Jubilee Conference on Discrete Mathematics sponsored by DST, Gov. of India at CMS, Banasthali University held from Jan. 11- 13, 2009.
- Participated in the Pre-ICM International Convention of Mathematical Sciences, sponsored by DST, Gov. of India and Gov. of Malaysia at Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, New Delhi from Dec. 18- 20, 2008.
- Participated in the International Conference on Vision and Mission of Women’s Universities in a Global Society at Banasthali University, Rajasthan (India) held from Nov. 11- 13, 2008.
- Presented paper in the International Conference on History & Heritage of Mathematical Sciences at Indore held from December 16-19, 2004 (A note on Wilson’s Theorem).
Poster Presentation:
- Sheela Suthar and Om Prakash, A Note on Zero Divisor Graph of Polynomial Ring over Zn in the 15th Annual Conference of Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications organized at Banasthali University from Feb. 24-26, 2013 (presented by Sheela Suthar).
Invited Talk::
- Invited Lecture delivered on Rings, Modules and Coding Theory for M. Sc. I year, M. Sc. II year, Ph. D. students and Faculty at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on April 27, 2018.
- Invited Lecture delivered on Rings, Modules and its applications for M. Sc. I year, M. Sc. II year and Ph. D. students at Manipur University, Imphal on March 31, 2018.
- Invited Lecture delivered on Applications of Algebra in Coding Theory for M. Sc. and Ph. D. students, NIT Manipur on March 28, 2018.
- Invited as a resource person and delivered a lecture on Introduction to Rings and Modules in the Refresher Course in Mathematics and Statistics at Department of Mathematics, Patna University, Patna, August 5, 2017.
- Invited lectures on Introduction to Graph Theory in ISTE approved Short Term Training Program on Discrete Mathematics & Mathematical Modeling at the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Zeal College of Engineering and Research, Pune, during June 6- 10, 2017.
- Invited as a resource person and delivered a series of lectures in the Training Programme in Mathematics- 2017 (for level-3) for four weeks (May 22 to June 5, 2017) held at NISER, Bhubaneswar from May 22- June 16, 2017.
- Invited lecture on Introduction to Cryptography at the Department of Mathematics, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya during a visit to participate in the meeting of confirmation on March 25, 2017.
- Invited as a resource person and delivered a series of lectures in the Training Programme in Mathematics- 2016 (for level-3) for four weeks (May 24 to June 18, 2016) held at NISER, Bhubaneswar from May 24- June 6, 2016.
- Invited as a resource person and delivered a series of lectures in the Refresher Course on Computer Applications (Inter-disciplinary) on Basic of Mathematics and its applications in Computer Science from May 16 -17, 2016 held at University of Kota, Kota from May 11 - 31, 2016.
- Invited Lecture delivered on Golden Ratio for the students of 11th and 12th classes in the Regional Level Science Congress" during Nov. 21-26, 2015 at JNV Bikram on Nov. 23, 2015.
- Invited as a resource person and delivered a series of lectures in the Training Programme in Mathematics- 2015 (for level-3) for two weeks (May 26 to June 06, 2015) held at NISER, Bhubaneswar from May 25- June 20, 2015.
- Invited Lecture delivered on Introduction to Rings & Modules for M. Sc. I year, M. Sc. II year and Ph. D. students of University of Rajasthan, Jaipur on April 20, 2015.
- Two Invited Lectures delivered on Chinese Remainder Theorem for M. Sc. I year and Skew Polynomial Rings for M. Sc. II year, Ph. D. students of Banasthali Vidyapith, Banasthali on April 18, 2015 and April 19, 2015 respectively.
- Participated in the conference on Education Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry held from Jan. 23-24, 2014 at Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai as one of panelists on the theme: Role of Technology in Mathematics.
- Invited talk on Congruence relation and its some of applications in INSPIRE Science Camp at HNB University, Srinagar, Garhwal on Jan. 12, 2014 (Jan.11-15, 2014).
- Invited talk on Introduction to Cryptography in INSPIRE Science Camp at KVK, Banasthali University, Banasthali, Rajasthan on November 17, 2013 (Nov. 15-19, 2013).
- Delivered a Keynote Talk on Public Key Cryptography in a workshop SANGAM- 2013 at Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur, Rajasthan organised from Sept. 16- 17, 2013.
- Delivered a series of lectures on Algebra at Centre of Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali University, Banasthali for M. Phil. and Ph. D. students from Feb. 16- 24, 2013.
- Delivered a series of lectures on Rings and modules for the students of PG and Ph. D. at the Department of Mathematics, Banasthali Vidyapith during May 8-14, 2012.
- Delivered a lecture entitled Golden Ratio: The World’s Most Astonishing number in the INSPIRE Science camp organised at KVK, Banasthali Vidyapith during Feb 24-28, 2012.
Reviewer of the manuscripts of the journals:
- AMS Mathematical Reviews with Reviewer Number: 116551;
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (Springer);
- Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (World Scientific);
- Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research (International Knowledge Press).
External examiner:
- Jury member in the 7th state Level Science Exhibition and Project Competition for the modification for the projects of Winners of State Level by BMSP Patna on Oct. 6-7, 2017.
- Jury member in the 6th state Level Science Exhibition and Project Competition for the modification for the projects of Winners of State Level by BMSP Patna on November 16-17, 2016.
- Examiner of M. Phil. Dissertation and Viva-Voce at Central University of South Bihar, Patna in August 29, 2016.
- Examiner of Thesis of Integrated M. Tech. Mathematics and Computing at IIT ISM Dhanbad on May 4, 2016
- Jury member to evaluate INSPIRE Award Scheme to the students of Bihar organised by DST (Bihar) during Nov. 11-13, 2014;
- External member of the Board of Examiners at Central University of Bihar;
- Examine Seven Ph. D. Theses and conducted Viva-Voce as an external expert;
- External Examiner to conduct the practical examination(s) of M.Sc. Pure Maths 4th Semester Research Paper (Presentation & Viva) of Algebra & Differential Geometry Examination May 2013;
- External member of the Board of studies in Mathematics, Manipal University, Jaipur- 2012;
- Paper- Setter, Examiner and external of Banasthali University, Central University of Rajasthan, University of Rajasthan Jaipur, Kota University Kota, Bhopal University, Samphalpur University and NIT Patna, Patna.
Seminars / Workshops Participated::
- Participated in the National Workshop on Inventory Modeling sponsored by DST, Gov. of India at CMS, Banasthali University held from Mar 4- 7, 2011.
- Participated in the National Workshop on Block Designs and their Applications sponsored by DST, Gov. of India at CMS, Banasthali University held from Feb. 5- 8, 2011.
- Participated in the National Workshop on Discrete Mathematics sponsored by DST, Gov. of India at CMS, Banasthali University held from May 1- 5, 2010.
- Participated in the Workshop on LaTeX and Other Open Source Software sponsored by DST, Gov. of India, New Delhi at CMS, Banasthali University held from March 25-27, 2010.
- Participated in the Advanced Training School in Mathematics for Lecturers in Algebra and Number Theory, sponsored by NBHM, at Department of Mathematics, Panjab University, Chandigarh held from Dec. 15-31, 2009.
- Participated in the seminar on Time Series Modeling sponsored by DST, Gov. of India at CMS, Banasthali University held from Oct. 3- 6, 2009.
- Participated in the Pre-Conference Workshop on Discrete Mathematics sponsored by DST, Gov. of India at CMS, Banasthali University held from Jan. 6- 10, 2009.
- Participated in the Training Programme on Optimization and Its Applications sponsored by DST, Gov. of India at CMS, Banasthali University held from Dec. 24- 29, 2008.
- Participated in the National Workshop on Bayesian Techniques & Applications sponsored by DST, Gov. of India at CMS, Banasthali University held from Oct. 1-7, 2008.
- Participated in the National Workshop on Topological Dynamics, Differential Equations and Applications at CRR Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, sponsored by DST, held from March 11to 15, 2008.
- Participated in the Advanced Training for Mathematics Lecturers on Real Analysis at Ramanujan center for Higher Mathematics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, sponsored by NBHM, held from June 4 to 16, 2007.
- Participated in the two weeks training program on Stochastic Process Modelling: Concepts, Theory and Applications, sponsored by DST during Dec. 2 to 15, 2006.
- Participated in the Advanced Training School for Mathematics Lecturers on Multivariate Calculus at Pune University held from Nov. 6 - 18, 2006.
- Participated in the National Seminar on Recent Trends in Combinatorics and its Applications at Banasthali Vidyapith held from March 5-6, 2006.
- Participated in the Instrunctional Workshop & International conference on Recent Advances in Operator Theory & Operator Algebras III at ISI & IISc Bangalore held from December 12-22, 2005.
- Participated in the Workshop on the Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations at Pune University, Pune held from November 23-27, 2004.
Training Programme/ Camp organised:
- Jointly organized (with Dr. A. K. Upadhyay) two weeks Instructional School for Teachers for faculty of Mathematics at different universities, sponsored by National Board of Higher Mathematics at Department of Mathematics, IIT Patna during May 1-13, 2017.
- Organised two weeks Mini Mathematics Training and Talent Search Programme (Mini MTTS) for undergraduate students of Mathematics, sponsored by National Board of Higher Mathematics at Department of Mathematics, IIT Patna during June 9-21, 2014.
- Organising Secretary of INSPIRE Science Camp for 11th and 12th students of Rajasthan sponsored by DST, Gov. of India at Banasthali University from May 9-13, 2011.
- Coordinator of the Special Training Programme in Mathematics for class 12th students supported by Banasthali University at Banasthali.
- Local coordinator and organising secretary of the Mini MTTS Programme for graduate students of Rajasthan region organized at Banasthali University supported by NBHM from Dec. 18- 24, 2010.
Member of the Advisory Committee/ Organizing Committee/ Programme Committee::
- Member of the Advisory Committee of the CAIRIA- 2019 at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amity University, Lucknow, Jan 30-31, 2019.
- Member of the Technical Programme Committee in the International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Computer Mathematics (DMCM- 2018) organized in Chongqing, China during September 15-17, 2018.
- Member of the Advisory Committee of the CAIRIA- 2018 at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amity University, Lucknow, March 14-15, 2018.
- Member of the Advisory Committee of the CATDMP (An International Meet)- 2015 at SRM University, Delhi January 23-25, 2015.
- National Workshop on Inventory Modeling held from Mar. 4- 7, 2011.
- National Workshop on Block Designs and their Applications held from Feb. 5-8, 2011.
- National Workshop on Discrete Mathematics held from May 1- 5, 2010.
- Workshop on LaTeX and Other Open Source Software held from March 25-27, 2010.
- Seminar on Time Series Modeling held from Oct. 3- 6, 2009.
- International Jubilee Conference on Discrete Mathematics held from Jan. 11- 13, 2009.
- Pre-Conference Workshop on Discrete Mathematics held from Jan. 6- 10, 2009.
- Training Programme on Optimization And Its Applications held from Dec. 24- 29, 2008.
- National Workshop on Bayesian Techniques & Applications held from Oct. 1-7, 2008.
- Two weeks training program on Stochastic Process Modelling: Concepts, Theory and Applications, during Dec. 2 -15, 2006.
(These all Programmes from (ii) to (xi) sponsored by DST and other agencies of Govt. of India organised at CMS, Banasthali Vidyapith)
Workshop/ Seminar organised under NSS at IIT Patna:
- Coordinator of the organised Workshop on “SPORTS FOR LIFE” at IIT PATNA on Aug 18, 2013.
- Coordinator of the organized four Blood Donation Camps under Banner of NSS, IIT Patna on Aug. 06, 2013, Jan. 18, 2014 and Aug. 06, 2014 and Oct. 12, 2015.
- Awareness Programme on World’s Cancer Day organised by IIT Patna under banner of NSS on Feb. 4, 2014.
- Coordinator of the organised NSS Programme on “National Youth Policy and Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan- 2014” at IIT PATNA on Feb. 24, 2014.
- IIT Patna celebrated the 1st International Day of Sports and Physical Activity by organizing some sports events under my supervision on April 04, 2014.
- Coordinator of the Marathon organised at our permanent Campus Bihta on Nov. 9, 2014.
- IIT Patna celebrated the International Women’s Day on March 08, 2015. Some activities like three lectures on Women empowerment, Debate and Quiz were organised under my coordinatorship.
Administrative and other Responsibility at IIT Patna:
- Member of the institute Senate from 2016;
- Member of Departmental Academic Programme Committee- Jan. 2016;
- Member of Cultural Committee from Nov. 14, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2015, April 2017 onwards;
- Member of B. Tech. & M. Tech. curriculum development committee in the department;
- Member of M. Tech. & Ph. D. admission committee;
- Member of the Advisory Committee of NSS from Jan. 2016;
- General Secretary IIT Patna Club from Jan. 4, 2012 to Jaly 22, 2018;
- Member of the Convocation committee, Convener- Hospitality & Reception of invited guests- 2016;
- Departmental M. Sc. Coordinator- Jan. 2016- May 2018;
- Member of Departmental Purchase Committee- Jan. 2016 to Dec. 2017;
- Coordinator- NSS with effect from July 1, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2015;
- Chairman- Sports with effect from July 1, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2014;
- President- Students Gymkhana from July 1, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2014;
- Associate Warden of Aryabhatta Hall with effect from Jan. 25, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2013;
- Treasurer, Students Gymkhana with effect from Nov. 14, 2012 to Nov. 2013;
- Member stock verification team in the Dept. of Computer Science Engineering and Computer Centre (Equipment and Lab furniture) and Boy’s hostels’ Equipment and furniture( including mess) in 2012 and 2013 ;
- Member of the committee constituted for making directives for declaring the items for condemnation;
- Member of the Committee to recruit Junior Assistant- 2012;
- Member of the Committee to recruit Physical Training Instructor- 2013-2014;
- Member of the committee for making Information Brochure for fresher’s and organising Nebula- 2012 and 2013;
- Member of the committee to procure furniture for hostels- 2012 and 2013;
- Member of Anti- Ragging team;
- Member of M. Tech. curriculum development committee 2012;
- Member of Doctoral Committee of 6 Ph. D. students.