Dr. Rajib Kumar Jha |
Associate Professor |
Ph.D, IIT Kharagpur |
Ph: +91-612-302 8010 |
jharajib[*AT]iitp.ac.in |
Research Areas |
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Image and Video Processing, Multimedia applications, Medical Imaging, Stochastic resonance, Fractional differential/integral equations. |
Conference Responsibility |
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Administrative Responsibility |
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- Professor In-charge Communication :
1st April 2016 to continue |
1st April 2016 to continue |
- Associate Warden: Boys Hostel :
1st Jan 2014 to 31st March 2016 |
- Department PhD Co-ordinator :
Jan 2016 to Dec 2016 |
2nd Year B.Tech. |
Courses taught |
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Different Subjects Taught/Teaching:
- Digital Image Processing
- Digital Signal Processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Principles of Communications
- Digital Electronics and Microprocessor
- Semiconductor Device and Circuits
- Operating Systems
- Signals, Systems and Network
- Principles of electronics
- Basic Electrical Circuits
- Fundamental of computer systems
No. of PhD Students |
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PhD Thesis Guidance (2-Completed):
- Deepika Shukla (PhD Thesis Title: Robust Video Stabilization Using Projection Warping Under Challenging Scene Capture Conditions).
- Vivek Singh Verma (PhD Thesis Title: Robust Image Watermarking Techniques in Lifting Wavelet Transform Domain).
PhD Thesis Guidance (in progress):
- Sumit Kumar
- Mausam Chauksey
- Mohammad Akhlaqur Rahman
- Gaurav Sundaram
No. Of M.Tech. Students |
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M.Tech. Thesis Guidance
Name of Students
M.Tech. Thesis Title
Present Position
Chandan Kumar singh
Hand recorded video stabilization
Placed in Tata innovation Lab, Delhi
Suraj Suman
(PhD IIT Delhi)
Fractional Derivative Based Masking Techniques for Dark and Low Contrast Image Enhancement
Best M.Tech. thesis award by EE Dept. IIT Patna, &
Received National award for best M.Tech. thesis by ISTE, Gov. of India.
Neha Chandra
Goal Bladder cancer detection
Pursuing PhD EE Dept. IIT Mumbai
Rajlaxmi Chouhan
(Assistant Prof. IIT Jodhpur)
Stochastic resonance based dark image enhancement
Best M.Tech. thesis award by EE Dept. IIIT Jabalpur, &
Received National award for best M.Tech. thesis by ISTE, Gov. of India.
Onkar Krishna
Stochastic resonance based audio watermarking
Pursuing PhD at Tokyo University, Japan)
Badal Soni
(Faculty at NIT Silchar)
Stochastic resonance based image processing applications
Pursuing PhD at IIT Guwahati
Nidhi Gupta
Stochastic resonance based image processing applications
Pursuing PhD IIIT DM Jabalpur
Ashwani Kumar
Bearing fault diagnosis and nozzle wear analysis using stochastic resonance
Pursuing PhD IIT Dhanbad
RamJi Patel
Application of stochastic resonance in somatosensory system
Software Job at Bangalore
Arpit Agrawal
Breast cancer detection
No. Of B. Tech. Students |
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B. Tech. Thesis Guidance:
- More than 43 students on different Image processing Projects.
Professional Experience |
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- Assistant Professor at IIT Patna (May 2013 to continue)
- Assistant Professor at IIT Ropar (December 2012 to April 2013)
- Assistant Professor at IIITDM Jabalpur (July 2006 to December 2012)
- Visiting Research Scientist at Tokyo University through short term JSPS (GCOE) fellowship.
Awards and Achievements
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S. No.
Name of Awards
1 |
Sir Visvesvaraya Young Faculty Research Fellows. |
2017 |
2 |
National Award for supervising Best M. Tech. Thesis (*First Prize*) in Electrical and Electronics engineering, by Indian Society for Technical Education, Gov. of India. |
2015 |
3 |
Premium Award-2015 for Best Research Paper Published during last Two years (2013-2015) in Journal of IET Image Processing, by IEE Publisher, UK. |
2015 |
4 |
Travel Grant from University of Tokyo-Japan for presenting the research paper in VCIP conference held at Kuching, Malaysia. |
2013 |
5 |
National Award for supervising Best M. Tech. Thesis (*First Prize*) in Electrical and Electronics engineering by Indian Society for Technical Education, Gov. of India. |
2012 |
6 |
JSPS (GCOE) short term fellowship: Visiting scientist at The University of Tokyo, Tokyo Japan. |
2012 |
7 |
Travel Grant from University of Tokyo-Japan for presenting the research paper in EUSIPCO conference held at Bucharest, Romania, Europe. |
2012 |
8 |
Travel Grant from University of Tokyo-Japan for presenting the research paper in ICIP conference held at Orlando, Florida, USA. |
2012 |
9 |
Travel Grant from University of Tokyo-Japan for presenting the research paper in ICIP conference held at Brussels, Belgium, Europe. |
2011 |
10 |
Visiting researcher at The University of Tokyo, Japan. |
2010 |
11 |
Travel Research Fellowship - DST, Gov. of India. |
2010 |
12 |
Best Secretary of B. C. Roy Hall, IIT Kharagpur, India. |
2006 |
13 |
Travel Research Fellowship - IIT Kharagpur |
2005 |
14 |
National Award for Best M. Tech. Thesis as a student (*Second Prize*) in Electrical & Electronics Engineering by Indian Society for Technical Education, Gov. of India. |
2003 |
15 |
National Merit Scholarship. |
1992-1994 |
Sponsored Research and Consultancy (Completed) |
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- Research Project (Project Title-Dark Image Enhancement Using Stochastic Resonance) from OMRON Japanese Company with The University of Tokyo Japan. International Project.
Reviewers: |
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- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- IEEE Signal Processing Letters
- IEEE Transactions on broadcasting
- IET Image Processing
- IET Signal processing,
- Springer: Signal Image Video Processing,
- Elsevier: Pattern recognition letters,
- Elsevier: Signal Processing,
- Elsevier: Circuit systems and signal processing
- Springer: Multimedia Tool & Applications
- Sadhana Publication
Recent Technical Program Committee member |
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- Invited to Deliver Lectures in the Training Course on Digital Image Processing at the Centre for Continuing Education, IIT Roorkee 2013.
- National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Graphics and Image Processing 2013 (NCVPRIPG 2013).
- Control, Automation, Robotics and Embedded System-2013.
- International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication, 2014 (SPCOM 2014).
- International Conference on Network and Communications -2014
- International Conference on Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition -2014
- National Conference in Communications-2014 (NCC-2014).
- National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Graphics and Image Processing 2015 (NCVPRIPG 2015).
- NCC 2016
Invited Talk: |
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- Dark image Enhancement Using Stochastic resonance: The Tokyo University
- Fundamental of Image Processing and recent research on Image Enhancement –IIT Roorkee
- Medical Image Enhancement –IGIMS Patna
- Image Processing and research in Image Processing Areas: NIT Raipur
Member of Professional bodies |
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IEEE, IUPRAI (life member) |
Publications |
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International Journals: 26
Year - 2016
- Deepika Shukla, Rajib Kumar Jha, Aparajita Ojha, “A New Composite Multi-Constrained Differential-Radon Warping Approach for Digital Video Affine Motion Stabilization,” Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Volume 155, Feb 2017, Pages 83–105, Elsevier, h5 index= 40 & h5 median=58, Impact Factor: 1.542. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1077314216301977.
- Deepika Shukla, Rajib Kumar Jha, Aparajita Ojha, “Digital Image Stabilization Using Similarity Transformation over Constrained Differential-Radon Warping Vectors,” Journal of Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 47, Issue C, Sept. 2016, pp 115-130 Elsevier, h5 index= 29 & h5 median=39, Impact Factor: 1.47.
- Suraj Suman, Rajib Kumar Jha, “A New Fractional-order Mask using Block Pulse Function for Image Enhancement,” final acceptance has come for publication in Journal of Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing (CSSP) 2016, Springer. h5 index= 21 & h5 median=33, Impact factor: 1.118.
- Nidhi Gupta, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Enhancement of dark images using dynamic stochastic resonance with anisotropic diffusion,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 25, no. 2, 023017, 2016, SPIE. h5 index= 23 & h5 median=34, Impact factor: 0.67.
Year - 2015
- Suraj Suman, Rajib Kumar Jha, “A New technique for Image Enhancement using Digital Fractional Order Savitzky Golay Differentiator,” Journal of Multidimensional Systems & Signal Processing (MULT), pp. 1-25, 2015, Springer. h5 index= 15 & h5 median= 21; Impact factor: 1.62.
- Deepika Shukla, Rajib Kumar Jha, Aparajita Ojha, “Unsteady camera zoom stabilization using slope estimation over Interest Warping Vectors,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 197–204, Dec. 2015, Elsevier. h5 index= 46 & h5 median= 66; Impact factor: 1.90.
- Vivek Singh Verma, Rajib Kumar Jha, Aparajita Ojha, “Significant region based robust watermarking scheme in lifting wavelet transform domain,” Journal of Expert systems with applications, Vol. 42, Issue 21, Pages 8184–8197, Nov. 2015, Elsevier. h5 index= 91 & h5 median= 107. Impact factor: 2.57
- Deepika Shukla, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Robust motion estimation for night-shooting videos using dual-accumulated constraint warping,” Journal of Visual Communication & image representation, 2015, Elsevier. (in press) h5 index= 13 & h5 median= 19; Impact factor: 1.42
- Rajlaxmi Chouhan, Prabir Kumar Biswas, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Enhancement of low-contrast images by internal noise-induced Fourier coefficients rooting,” Journal of Signal image & video Processing, 2015, Springer. (in press) h5 index= 15 & h5 median= 21; Impact factor: 1.43.
- Rajlaxmi Chouhan, Prabir Kumar Biswas, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Hybrid domain analysis of noise-enhanced contrast stretching,” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2015, Springer. (in press) h5 index= 23 & h5 median= 31; Impact factor: 0.62
- Vivek Singh Verma, Rajib Kumar Jha, Aparajita Ojha, “Digital watermark extraction using support vector machine with principal component analysis based feature reduction,” Journal of Visual Communication & image representation, Vol. 31, Pages 75–85, Aug. 2015, Elsevier. h5 index= 13 & h5 median= 19; Impact factor: 1.42.
- Deepika Shukla, Rajib Kumar Jha, “A robust video stabilization technique using integral frame projection warping,” Journal of Signal, Image & Video processing, Vol. 9, Issue 6, pp 1287-1297, Sep. 2015, Springer. h5 index= 15 & h5 median= 21; Impact factor: 1.43.
Year - 2014
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Rajlaxmi Chouhan, “Dynamic Stochastic Resonance-based Grayscale Logo Extraction Technique in Combined SVD-DCT Domain,” Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 351, Issue 5, pp. 2938-2965, May 2014, Elsevier. h5 index= 40 & h5 median= 48; Impact factor: 2.42.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Rajlaxmi Chouhan, Kiyoharu Aizawa, “Dynamic stochastic resonance-based improved logo extraction in discrete cosine transform domain,” Journal of Electrical and Computers, Vol. 40, Issue 6, pp. 1917-1929, Aug. 2014, Elsevier. h5 index= 29 & h5 median= 38; Impact factor: 0.97.
- Vivek S Verma, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Improved Watermarking Technique based on Significant Difference of Lifting Wavelet Transform,” Journal of Signal, Image & Video processing, Vol. 9, no. 6, pp 1443-1450, Sept. 2015. h5 index= 15 & h5 median= 21; Impact factor: 1.43.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Rajlaxmi Chouhan, “Noise induced Contrast Enhancement using Stochastic Resonance on Singular Values,” Journal of Signal Image and Video Processing, Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 339-347, Feb. 2014, Springer. h5 index= 15 & h5 median= 21; Impact factor: 1.43
Year - 2013
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Rajlaxmi Chouhan, Kiyoharu Aizawa, P. K. Biswas, “Dark and Low Contrast Image Enhancement Using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance in DCT Domain,” Cambridge Journals; APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing, Vol. 2, e6, Nov. 2013, h5 index= 10, h5 median= 13; Impact factor: 0.43.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Apoorv Chaturvedi, Rajlaxmi Chouhan, “Watermark detection using dynamic stochastic resonance," Fluctuation and Noise Letter, Vol. 12, no. 3, Sept. 2013, World scientific. h5 index= 12 & h5 median= 21; Impact factor: 0.81.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, S. Shrivastav, “Logo Extraction Using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance," Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 119-128, Jan. 2013, Springer. h5 index= 15 & h5 median= 21; Impact factor: 1.43.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, B. N. Chatterji, “Logo extraction Using Combined Discrete Wavelet Transform and Dynamic Stochastic Resonance,” International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 13, Issue 1, Jan. 2013, World scientific. h5 index= 8 & h5 median= 10; Impact factor: 0.50.
- Rajlaxmi Chouhan, Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, “Enhancement of Dark and Low Contrast images using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance,” Journal in IET Image Processing, Vol. 7, Issue 2, pages 174 – 184, Mar. 2013. h5 index= 21 & h5 median= 29; Impact factor: 0.753.
Year - 2012
- Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, B. N. Chatterji, “Contrast Enhancement of Dark Images Using Stochastic Resonance,” Journal of IET Image Processing, Vol. 6, Issue 3, pages 230-237, April 2012. h5 index= 21 & h5 median= 29; Impact factor: 0.70.
- Rajlaxmi Chouhan, C. Pradeep Kumar, Rawnak Kumar, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Contrast enhancement of dark images using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance in Wavelet domain," International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 2, Issue 5, pp. 711-715, Oct. 2012. h5 index= 11 & h5 median= 21; Impact factor: 0.85.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, Bhupendra Gupta, Deepak Mishra, “Suprathreshold Stochastic Resonance and Maximizing Network for Watermark Detection,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 21, Issue 1, art Issue 013001, 2012. h5 index= 23 & h5 median= 34; Impact factor: 0.85.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Badal Soni, Rajlaxmi Chouhan, Kiyoharu Aizawa, “Improved Watermark Extraction from Audio Signals by Scaling of Internal noise in DCT Domain,” Advances in Computer Science, Engineering & Applications, Vol. 166, pp. 235-243, 2012.
Year - 2010
- Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, B. N. Chatterji, “Image Segmentation Using Suprathreshold Stochastic Resonance," International Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 72, pp. 1-15, 2010.
National Journals :
- Vivek S Verma, Rajib Kumar Jha, “An Overview of Robust Digital Image Watermarking,” Journal of IETE Technical Review, June 2015, Taylor & Francis, h5 index = 17 & h5 median= 25; Impact factor: 0.89.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Badal Soni, Kiyoharu Aizawa, “Logo Extraction from Audio Signals by Utilization of Internal Noise,” IETE Journal of Research, Vol. 59, Issue 3, pp. 270-279, 2013. h5 index= 9 & h5 median= 16; Impact factor: 0.20.
Published Conference Papers |
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International Conferences: 13
- Sumit Kumar, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Weak Signal Detection from Noisy Signal Using Stochastic Resonance with Particle Swarm Optimization Technique,” Accepted for publication in proceedings of International Conference on Noise and fluctuations, June 2017.
- Sumit Kumar, Aaush Kumar, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Supra-threshold Stochastic Resonance Based Noisy Image Segmentation Under Different Noise Conditions
,” Accepted for publication in proceedings of International Conference on Noise and fluctuations, June 2017.
- Sumit Kumar, Aakansha Jha, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Characterization of Supra-threshold Stochastic Resonance for Uniform Distributed Signal with Laplacian & Gaussian Noise
,” Accepted for publication in proceedings of International Conference on Noise and fluctuations, June 2017.
- Vivek S. Verma, Anuj Bhardwaj, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Robust Image Watermarking using Combined DSR-SVM with PCA based Feature Reduction,” Accepted for publication in proceedings of International Symposium in Embedded systems & Design, 2017.
- Sumit Kumar, Snehan Shourya and Rajib Kumar Jha “Adaptive Fractional Differential Approach to Enhance Underwater Images,” Accepted for publication in proceedings of International Symposium in Embedded systems & Design, 2017.
- Deepika Shukla, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Novel Approach for Combined Rotational And Translational Motion Estimation Using Frame Projection Warping,” in proceedings of IEEE VCIP 2013, 17-20 Nov., Kuching, Malaysia.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Onkar Krishna, Kiyoharu Aizawa, “DSR based Improved Watermark Extraction from Audio Signal in SVD Domain,” in Proceedings of European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2012), Bucharest, Romania, August 27 - 31, pp. 2684-2688, 2012.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Rajlaxmi Chouhan, P. K. Biswas, K. Aizawa, “Internal noise-induced contrast enhancement of dark images," in Proceeding IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Vol. 11, pp. 2801-2804, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2012.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Onkar Krishna, P. K. Biswas, “Dynamic Stochastic Resonance-Based Improved Watermark Extraction in DWT-SVD domain,” in Proceedings of 4th International Conference in Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS), 2012, Vol. 2, pp. 632-636, Malaysia.
- Rajlaxmi Chouhan, Rajib Kumar Jha, Apoorv Chaturvedi, T. Yamasaki, Kiyoharu Aizawa, “Robust watermark extraction using SVD-based dynamic stochastic resonance," in Proceeding IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Vol. 11, pp. 2801-2804, 2011, Brussels, Belgium.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, D. Mishra, “Improving Watermark Detection Performance using Suprathreshold Stochastic Resonance," in Proceeding of Tencon IEEE Region 10 Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 21-24 Nov., pp. 691 – 696, 2010.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, B. N. Chatterji, “Image Segmentation using Suprathreshold Stochastic Resonance," in Proceeding of ICSIP, Singapore, 25-28 Sept., 2010.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, B. N. Chatterji, “Enhancement of Digital Images using Stochastic Resonance,” in Proceeding of Tencon-IEEE Region 10 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 21-24 Nov., pp. 1-6, 2005.
National Conferences: 18
- Sumit Kumar, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Enhancement of high dynamic range images using variational calculus regularizer with stochastic resonance” Proceedings of the Tenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, ICVGIP 2016.
- Rajlaxmi Chouhan, C. Pradeep Kumar, Rawnak Kumar, Rajib Kumar Jha, “Contrast enhancement of dark images using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance in wavelet domain," in Proceeding IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing, Singapore, Vol. 3, pp. 191-196, 2011.
- Deepika Shukla, Rajib Kumar Jha, “An Optimized Derivative Projection Warping Approach For Moving Platform Video Stabilization,” in proceedings of IEEE NCVPRIPG 2013, 18-21 Dec., IIT Jodhpur, India.
- Deepika Shukla, Rajib Kumar Jha, “A Robust On-Road Moving Platform Image Stabilization Using Derivative Curve Warping,” in proceedings of IEEE PReMI 2013, 11-15 Dec., ISI Kolkata, India.
- Onkar Krishn, Rajib Kumar Jha, B. Soni, A. K. Tiwari, “Noise Induced Segmentation of Noisy Color Image,” in proceedings of NCC 2013, 15-17 Feb., IIT Delhi.
- Rajlaxmi Chouhan, Rajib Kumar Jha, Prabir Kumar Biswas , “Noise-enhanced Contrast Stretching of Dark Images in SVD-DWT domain,” in proceedings on 2013 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON) , 13-15 Dec., IIT Mumbai.
- Deepika Shukla, Rajib Kumar Jha, “A Robust Video Stabilization Using Optimized Dynamic Time Warping,” in proceedings of IEEE ICIIP 2013, 9-11 Dec., Shimla, India.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Anand Maitre, Sravan Mohanty, “Entropy-Based Rain Detection and Removal”, in proceedings of IEEE CARE 2013, 16-18 Dec., Jabalpur, India.
- Rajlaxmi Chouhan, Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, “Wavelet Based Contrast Enhancement of Dark Images Image Using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance,” in Proceedings of ICVGIP, 16-19 Dec., 2012, IIT Mumbai, India.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Rajlaxmi Chouhan, P. K. Biswas, “Noise Induced Contrast Enhancement of Dark Images Using Non-Dynamic Stochastic Resonance,” in Proceeding of National Conference on Communications (NCC), 3-5 Feb., IIT Kharagpur, 2012.
- Onkar Krishna, Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, M .M. Mushrif, “Dynamic Stochastic Resonance-based Improved Watermark Extraction from Audio Signal,” in Proceeding of National Conference on Communications (NCC), 3-5 Feb., IIT Kharagpur, 2012.
- Rajlaxmi Chouhan, Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, “Image Denoising Using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance in Wavelet Domain,” in Proceedings of IEEE 12th International conference on ICDA, Kochi, India, 27-29 Nov., 2012.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, Badal Soni, Rajlaxmi Chouhan, K. Aizawa, “Improved Watermark Extraction From Audio Signals By Scaling of Internal Noise in DCT Domain”, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA 2012), May 25-27, 2012, New Delhi, India.
- Rajlaxmi Chouhan, Rajib Kumar Jha, M. Shrivastava, Apoorv Chaturvedi, “Improved watermark extraction using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance," in Proceeding IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems, 22-24 Sept., pp. 280 - 285, 2011.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, B. N. Chatterji, “Stochastic Resonance Based Enhancement of Dark Images,” in Proceeding of WCVGIP-06, IIIT Hyderabad, India,12-13 Jan, 2006.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, B. N. Chatterji, "Image denoising using stochastic resonance”, in Proceeding of international conference on cognition and recognition, Mysore, India, December 22-23, 2005.
- Rajib Kumar Jha, B. N. Chatterji, "Wavelet Based Approach for Watermarking of Digital Images”, in Proceeding of National Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Mandya, July 11- 12, 2003.
- B. N. Chatterji, Manesh Kokere, A. Adhipathi Reddy, Rajib Kumar Jha, "Wavelets for Content Based Image Retrieval and Digital Watermarking for Multimedia Applications," in proceeding of Information, Communications and Signal Processing, 2003 and the Fourth Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia. Proceedings of the 2003 Joint Conference of the Fourth International Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 812 – 816, 2003.