Archived Tenders of 2020

Archived Tenders of 2020

e-published Date Bid Submission Closing Date & Time Tender Opaning Date & time Descripion Tender Documents


21.12.2020 1100 Hrs

Pre-bid Meeting 15.12.2020 1130 Hrs Technical Bid 21.12.2020 1130 Hrs

Tender Enquiry for Catering Services to IMU Visakhapatnam Campus - Reg.


04.01.2021 03.00 PM

Technical Bid 04.01.2021 03.30 PM

Tender Enquiry to identify Service Provider for Online (AI and Human) Proctored examinations (MCQ + Descriptive) and Online Evaluation Marking, for all Programmes for IMU's Six Campuses & its Affiliated Institutes, for the End Semester Examinations Dec 20/Jan 21, administered by Indian Maritime University - Reg.


11.12.2020 1700 Hrs

11.12.2020 1730 Hrs

Inviting Quotation for Text Books Purchase - IMU Kochi Campus - Reg.